Good news of appointment from Minister Pakdemirli | NTV

According to the statement made by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Pakdemirli held meetings with video conferences with regional directors affiliated to the General Directorate of Forestry, State Hydraulic Works, Nature Conservation and National Parks, Meteorology. Pakdemirli, at the meeting, “The appointments for the 2 thousand 153 cadres, which were previously stated to be … Read more

Health experts advise you: 6 vitamins that protect you from infection with the Coronavirus

British newspaper “Daily Mail” revealed that vitamins and minerals boost your immune system, as there are some vitamins and minerals that are able to prevent corona virus, according to Chinese data, explaining that one in every 5 patients with the “COVID-19” virus needs medical intervention. . In order to help rebuild the immune system after … Read more

All Gwinnett County Residents Ordered to Stay Home Starting at Midnight Today | Univision 34 Atlanta WUVG

GWINNETT COUNTY, Georgia. This Friday, Gwinnett County authorities issued the executive order to stay home, this as a precautionary measure to contain the spread of the coronavirus. – The order includes the closure of all non-essential establishments starting this Friday night and will be valid until April 13. – “Residents of Gwinnett County are ordered … Read more

“Finishing Ligue 1 on June 30 seems impossible,” announces Noël Le Graët

Noël Le Graët, president of the French Football Federation (FFF), during a match at the Parc des Princes. (Drawing) – Stephane Allaman / SIPA In an interview with the AFP this Friday, Noël Le Graët, the president of the French Federation of football, said that “finishing June 30 seems impossible”. He considers it “unreasonable” to … Read more

Boldness is sweet, there is no word .. A new challenge from Ola Rushdie before and after the dismissal .. Know the details

I participated The artist Ola Roushdy Her fans, with a new challenge via her Instagram account, and asked her friends to share it, which is to publish two photos one before the health isolation that everyone undergoes in their homes currently until the end of the Corona virus crisis, and the other during the isolation. … Read more

New York Stocks Conclusion: Losses – Nonetheless Double-digit Weekly Plus | 03/27/20

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – The strong recovery in the US stock market after the sharp downturn stopped on Friday. Investors preferred to play it safe before the weekend given the enormous uncertainty surrounding the corona crisis. Ultimately, the US leading index was unable to keep above the 22,000 point mark, which the Dow Jones Industrial … Read more