Biden has no plans for sanctions against SP-2 – Politico

Biden does not intend to impose sanctions against Nord Stream 2 – – The White House is not considering the option of introducing sanctions against the Russian gas pipeline under President Biden. US President Joe Biden has no plans to impose sanctions on the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. The administration is not considering … Read more

Los Angeles and Long Beach ports will have 24/7 service – Telemundo Phoenix / Tucson

WASHINGTON DC – The Port of Los Angeles, in California, will begin to operate without interruption to speed up the congestion of freighters that anchor in front of the city and alleviate the supply problems that this causes, as announced this Wednesday by the government of President Joe Biden. The ports of Los Angeles and … Read more

Zelensky tried to get into the White House from the beginning of his presidency, but through the “back door” – Chaly

“This was the goal of Volodymyr Zelensky from the first days of his presidency – to visit the White House. There were different factors why it did not work out earlier. The first of them, I believe, is connected with the actions of the Ukrainian side. visits through lobbyists – the so-called, excuse me, entering … Read more

US and Ukraine to sign new partnership charter this fall – White House / GORDON

According to him, at the meeting they will approve a new charter. between countries, which will set out the parameters of cooperation between states to combat the challenges of the 21st century. Where the meeting will take place is not specified. In addition, in the fall, Ukraine will visit the head of the Pentagon Austin … Read more

Biden fell asleep at an important meeting at the White House VIDEO

US President Joe Biden fell asleep during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the White House to reconcile views on Iran, BGNES reports The Biden-Bennett meeting took place two days ago, and is expected to ease tensions between the United States and Israel, which arose during the tenure of former US President … Read more

White House admits that US military equipment fell into the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan

According to him, the United States does not yet have a complete picture of where all the equipment transferred to Afghanistan went. However, according to Sullivan, “a significant portion fell into the hands of the Taliban.” The announcement came a day after Major General of the US Army Hank Taylor told reporters during a Pentagon … Read more

Blinken told what the United States expects from Ukraine before Zelensky’s visit to Washington

Blinken noted that there is a whole list of areas in which it is important for Ukraine to make progress. “In particular, in having an independent judicial system – functional, carefully elected and with independent oversight. Corporate governance, primarily in state-owned enterprises, which will be transparent. And also the real implementation, in particular, of anti-corruption … Read more

The White House has officially announced US preparations for a UFO invasion

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said US authorities were taking reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) invading the country’s airspace, world media reported. “We take very seriously and investigate any information about the entry of any aircraft into our airspace, both identified and unidentified,” Psaki said. The White House spokeswoman was asked if the US … Read more

Nord Stream 2 – US ready to impose new sanctions on pipeline

Nord Stream 2 is a complex issue affecting our allies in Europe, “Biden said, answering a question about possible sanctions against participants in the construction of the pipeline. The US President recalled that from the very beginning he opposed the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. “However, this is still an issue that … Read more

He is considering allowing everyone to duplicate American vaccines

The United States government is considering removing intellectual property protection for domestically produced vaccines against Covid-19, which would allow all countries around the world to produce duplicates, CNBC reported on Friday. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has backed a similar opportunity by sending a letter to the White House. At the same time, a number of … Read more