Discover the Neem Tree: Natural Mosquito Repellent and Diabetes Reducer

Discover the Neem Tree: Natural Mosquito Repellent and Diabetes Reducer

A Saudi citizen revealed his discovery of a unique tree that has distinctive properties, as it works to repel mosquitoes and has proven effective as a diabetes reducer when grown in homes. The citizen explained that his experience in planting this tree known as “neem” was successful in the capital, Riyadh. The neem tree is … Read more

Curry Leaves: The Natural Cure for Diabetes Revealed in Recent Studies

Curry Leaves: The Natural Cure for Diabetes Revealed in Recent Studies

The curry tree is native to the Indian Gulf, and it is a tropical/sub-tropical tree. It is widely known for its ability to add flavors to dishes, and is used primarily in South Indian cuisine and international cuisines as well. Curry, whose botanical name is Murraya koenigii, is originally from the Rutaceae family. Curry leaves … Read more