UR-100V LightSpeed Watch: Exploring the Solar System and the Concept of Time using Light

UR-100V LightSpeed Watch: Exploring the Solar System and the Concept of Time using Light

Watches | Feb 15, 2024 00:00 Today, reality has become like science fiction, but there are certain numbers that no one will dispute, including 299,792.458 kilometers per second – this number represents the speed of light, and science fiction fans who are familiar with the classical mechanics theory of physics or Azimov should be well … Read more

“The Incredible Speed of Light: Exploring the Fastest Known Entity in the Universe”

Light is faster than anything else in the known universe, though its speed can change depending on the medium through which it travels. Photo/Shutterstock/Live Science WASHINGTON – Light faster than anything else in the known universe, though its speed can change depending on the medium through which it travels. Nothing can travel faster than light, … Read more

Creating Black Hole Discs: Understanding the Realities of Accretion Disks

CNN Indonesia Friday, 19 May 2023 21:10 WIB Illustration. Experts create ‘black hole discs’ in order to understand the realities. (NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — For scientist creating a disk around a miniature version of a black hole on Earth to understand how it works’monster‘ this outer space. How to make? … Read more

Astronomers Reveal Gargantua’s Black Hole Has a Mass of 1 Billion Suns

CNN Indonesia Friday, 10 Mar 2023 12:54 WIB Illustration. Black holes measuring 1 billion times the mass of the Sun have been discovered by experts. (iStockphoto/Cappan) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — A black hole a giant 1 billion times the mass Sun found at the center of the galaxy COS-87259. The findings allegedly could overturn the … Read more

The Hubble Space Telescope Finds a Star Twisted Like a Donut Before It Is Devoured by a Black Hole

BOY ZONE – Space Telescope Hubble have found a star drawn like given when a black hole swallowed it, revealed in a LiveScience report. Black hole atau black hole it is at the core galaksi ESO 583-G004, about 300 million light years from Earth. para astronomer was able to discover the brutal incident after emitting … Read more

Hubble Catches Black Holes ‘Cooking’ Stars Into Doughnuts

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Space Telescope Hubble captures the phenomenon of a black hole in the middle of ‘cooking’ a nearby star to produce a given giant plasma. A supermassive black hole 300 million light years from Earth at the core of the galaxy ESO 583-G004 appears to entangle and tear the star apart after … Read more

Atoms on a Collision Course – Unlocking the Mystery of Mass | free press

In Darmstadt, an extension of a particle accelerator is being built. With it, electrically charged atoms can reach almost the speed of light. This can bring advances in research. Darmstadt. They are the smallest extraterrestrial and terrestrial worlds – almost in a giant laboratory and sometimes only for fractions of a second. Here the smallest … Read more

The James Webb Telescope Is Like a Cosmic Time Machine, Here’s Why

Looking back in time may sound like a strange concept. Yet, that’s what space researchers do every day. Reported from Sciencealert, Tuesday (20/7/2022), our universe is bound by the rules of physics. One of the most famous ‘rules’ is the speed of light. When we talk about ‘light’, we are actually referring to all wavelengths … Read more

Why Does Outer Space Seem Black and Dark?

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — With billions of stars, outer space should be bright. However, why did the opposite happen; pasted dark black space bintang twinkling? Some might think space is black because of the lack of light in this interplanetary and intergalactic space, but this is not the case. “You might think that because there … Read more