A viper bit a girl inside her home – Her 2-year-old granddaughter was at risk – 2024-07-07 14:51:21

A viper bit a girl inside her home – Her 2-year-old granddaughter was at risk
 – 2024-07-07 14:51:21

Miraculously, a girl from Larissa was saved from the chunk of a toxic snake, particularly, a viper. The snake handed via an open door inside the home and after “drilling” into the bed room, hid below the mattress of her granddaughter, who was solely 2 years outdated. See right here methods to distinguish the viper … Read more

“A majestic animal”: scientists find vertebrae of possibly largest snake ever

“A majestic animal”: scientists find vertebrae of possibly largest snake ever

Scientists found 27 of the snake’s vertebrae in a mine in India’s Panandhro region, including some that would have been in exactly the same position as when the reptile was alive – almost 50 million years ago. According to the scientists, the snake, which they named Vasuki indicus, would have looked like a large modern … Read more

Why Kurt Russell Turned Down Voicing Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid: The Actor’s Revealing Interview with GQ Magazine

In a recent interview, actor Kurt Russell recalled that he was once asked to voice Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid, but also explained why he was not interested in the proposal at the time. Hideo Kojima, the producer of the “Metal Gear” series, is an out-and-out movie buff. Not only does he often share … Read more

Kurt Russell Explains Why He Wouldn’t Voice Snake in Metal Gear Solid

Kurt Russell Explains Why He Wouldn’t Voice Snake in Metal Gear Solid

Kurt Russell Reveals Why He Wouldn’t Voice Snake Plissken in Metal Gear Solid Kurt Russell’s renowned portrayal of Snake Plissken in John Carpenter’s iconic film “Escape from New York” has had a lasting impact on popular culture, particularly in the gaming world. Of noteworthy significance, Snake’s character in the Metal Gear Solid video game series … Read more

3-Year-Old Saudi Boy Bitten by Snake Saved in Record Time at Al-Darb General Hospital

3-Year-Old Saudi Boy Bitten by Snake Saved in Record Time at Al-Darb General Hospital

A snake bit the Saudi boy, Aziz Al-Mishari, who is about 3 years old, in the leg. The child’s father said: “We live in a mountainous area full of trees and valleys, far from the cities in the mountains, and my son Aziz was playing in the courtyard of the house. He was bitten by … Read more

Rattlesnake Bite at Zoo: Employee Hospitalized in Stable Condition, No Guests Harmed

Rattlesnake Bite at Zoo: Employee Hospitalized in Stable Condition, No Guests Harmed

A rattlesnake bit a zoo employee around 4 p.m. The unnamed employee, who works at the reptile house, was taken to hospital in stable condition. She didn’t need antivenom because the bite wasn’t that serious. No zoo guests were harmed either. The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is the largest snake of its species in the world. … Read more

Residents Discover Huge Snake in Al-Quthmi Neighborhood, Madinah: Al-Marsad Newspaper Video

Residents Discover Huge Snake in Al-Quthmi Neighborhood, Madinah: Al-Marsad Newspaper Video

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video clip documented citizens finding a huge snake in Al-Quthmi neighborhood in Madinah. The video showed the huge snake lying on the ground, in a state of stillness, without moving or trying to attack anyone. The clip sparked a state of interaction on the social networking sites, and a tweeter commented, “This … Read more

Former Egyptian Mufti Ali Gomaa on the Torment of the Grave and Bald Snake False Belief

Former Egyptian Mufti Ali Gomaa on the Torment of the Grave and Bald Snake False Belief

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Ali Gomaa, the former Mufti of Egypt, commented on the fact that the torment of the grave and the bald snake exist in the Qur’an and Sunnah. And Jumaa said, during a program from Egypt broadcast on CBC, that the torment of the grave is nothing but a threat so that people … Read more