European Central Bank chief: High inflation will stay here for “some time”

The President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, made a video call before the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, which said that high inflation would be in the eurozone for “some time to come”. But experts were mainly waiting for her comments on the tightening of monetary policy. However, she … Read more

Because of the Nord Stream, one of the tariffs in the bills of Ukrainians will increase 10 times

According to the expert, in the event of a gas reverse, Ukrainians’ bills will become much “heavier”. Ukraine receives gas on a virtual reverse / photo UNIAN Vladimir Gontar – Ukraine has no direct contracts for the supply of gas from Russia and the launch Nord Stream 2 may significantly affect the bills of Ukrainians. … Read more

Warning strikes at Postbank branches

RTL>regional-news> January 13, 2022 – 6:39 p.m Clock – Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – The warning strikes announced at Postbank also affect branches in Hesse. The Verdi union called for temporary work stoppages in two branches in Frankfurt and one in Offenbach, as announced on Thursday. The warning strikes should therefore begin this Friday and last until … Read more

Gas suppliers unveil tariffs for January

Most of the gas prices for Ukrainians will not rise – – Monthly prices, which some companies offer for January for energy resources, reach 60 hryvnia per cubic meter. Gas supply companies in Ukraine announced monthly gas tariffs for residential consumers in January 2022. For those who refused the annual tariff for “blue fuel”, a … Read more

GDP, lower investment and expensive credit, effects of the rate hike | Economy

Although the Colombian economy is responding favorably to the stimuli to return to its growth path and this year could be close to 9.8%, after the worst drop in recent decades in 2020, the specter of inflation has increased fears that next year the fight against this phenomenon carried out by the Banco de la … Read more

Rail – Frankfurt am Main – train cancellations and delays in Hesse due to GDL strikes – economy

Frankfurt (dpa / lhe) – The nationwide strike of the German train drivers’ union (GDL) at Deutsche Bahn on Thursday morning caused numerous train cancellations and delays in Hesse. The strike in passenger traffic began at 2 a.m., a spokesman for the railway confirmed. According to a press release, there is a “stable basic offer … Read more

Tariffs – Ludwigshafen am Rhein – Striking bus drivers increase pressure in the tariff conflict – Career

Mainz (dpa / lrs) – Around 1000 striking bus drivers put pressure on a new collective wage agreement at a rally in Mainz. “It cannot be that a bus driver sits on the box for 14 hours and only gets paid 8 or 9 hours,” said the negotiator of the Verdi union, Marko Bärschneider, on … Read more