The brand new ARD improv comedy “Micha thinks massive” with Charly Hübner, Lars Jessen and Jan Georg Schütte, Gütsel On-line, Gütersloh, OWL reside

The brand new ARD improv comedy “Micha thinks massive” with Charly Hübner, Lars Jessen and Jan Georg Schütte, Gütsel On-line, Gütersloh, OWL reside

First cinema, then free TV: The brand new ARD improv comedy “Micha thinks massive” with Charly Hübner, Lars Jessen and Jan Georg Schütte In cinemas from August 22, 2024 and on ARD within the autumn, with Charly Hübner, Jördis Triebel, Ulrich Brandhoff, Natalia Rudziewicz, Peter Kurth and lots of others. #Berlin, June 21, 2024 Weird … Read more

TG Voerde Handball Team Loses Without Dennis Riebeling in Hattingen After Four Wins – Coach Kai Henning Reflects on the Game

TG Voerde Handball Team Loses Without Dennis Riebeling in Hattingen After Four Wins – Coach Kai Henning Reflects on the Game

Ennepetal handball association league team lost without Dennis Riebeling in Hattingen after four wins in a row. After four wins in a row Handball Association TG Voerde on Saturday evening at the second-to-last team in the table HSG Hattingen-Sprockhövel stumbled. The team of Trainer Kai Henning lost away 27:29 (12:17). In advance, the Voerder coach … Read more

Politics and German Literature in Gelsenkirchen: A Teacher’s Perspective on Abitur Guidelines

Politics and German Literature in Gelsenkirchen: A Teacher’s Perspective on Abitur Guidelines

Gelsenkirchen Politics sometimes dictates German literature on the way to the Abitur. A teacher in Gelsenkirchen thinks little of it. The federal and state governments partially specify what literature students should know for the Abitur. How sensible is it to control this centrally? We asked a woman from the practice. Gabriele T. (name changed) is … Read more

Free Shared Accommodation in Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf in Exchange for Educational Sponsorships

Free Shared Accommodation in Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf in Exchange for Educational Sponsorships

Gelsenkirchen In Ückendorf, free shared accommodation places are now being offered again in exchange for educational sponsorships. Anyone who can take part. Anyone interested can apply for an educational sponsorship in Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf until February 15th. This is aimed at people who want to support disadvantaged children and young people from the district in their learning. … Read more

10-Year-Old Düsseldorf Girl Competes in TV Show Against Celebrity – Find Out Her Special Talent and Who She’s Facing Off Against

10-Year-Old Düsseldorf Girl Competes in TV Show Against Celebrity – Find Out Her Special Talent and Who She’s Facing Off Against

Düsseldorf The young Düsseldorfer has a special talent that she can show on the TV show. What it’s about and which celebrity she will compete against. On Saturday evening (February 3rd), 8:15 p.m., celebrities will compete against children and young people in the ARD program. In “Small vs. Big – The Incredible Duel”, “little experts” … Read more

Berlin Court Decision: Leaving the Scene of an Accident and Insurance Fraud

Berlin Court Decision: Leaving the Scene of an Accident and Insurance Fraud

Berlin (dpa/tmn) Fraudulent behavior towards the insurer can lead to them canceling their protection. Does this include unauthorized removal from the scene of an accident? A court provides clues. Anyone who leaves the scene of an accident without permission is not automatically committing a fraudulent breach of duty towards their motor vehicle insurance company. It … Read more

Düsseldorf Rose Monday Procession 2024 Car Lineup Announced: Which Club Will Be at the Top?

Düsseldorf Rose Monday Procession 2024 Car Lineup Announced: Which Club Will Be at the Top?

Düsseldorf The car lineup for the Düsseldorf Rose Monday procession 2024 has been fixed since Monday. Which club will be at the top this year? The car lineup for the Düsseldorf Rose Monday procession 2024 has been fixed since Monday evening (January 15th). As the Düsseldorf Carneval Committee (CC) announced on Tuesday, as part of … Read more

Essen Awarded 15,000 Euro Funding for Cultural Education Concept

Essen Awarded 15,000 Euro Funding for Cultural Education Concept

Essen Awarded: Essen’s “overall concept for cultural education” convinces the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Funding notice of 15,000 euros ensures a large station. Botqpso voe Bofslfoovoh gýs ejf lvmuvsfmmf Cjmevohtbscfju jo Fttfo; Nju 26/111 Fvsp {fjdiofu ebt Mboe OSX Fttfo ejf Fstufmmvoh eft lpnnvobmfo Hftbnulpo{fqut gýs lvmuvsfmmf Cjmevoh bvt/ Efs hspàf Cbioipg gýs ejf gfjfsmjdif … Read more

Iserlohn U17s Only Manage 2 Points Against Kölner Haie Without Top Trio

Iserlohn U17s Only Manage 2 Points Against Kölner Haie Without Top Trio

Iserlohn Without a top trio, the Young Roosters’ U17s only managed two points against the Kölner Haie. Nash and Kronhardt remain with U20. Fjofo =tuspoh?evsdixbditfofo Tubsu=0tuspoh? mfhuf ebt =tuspoh?V28.Ufbn=0tuspoh? efs =tuspoh?Zpvoh Spptufst=0tuspoh? obdi efs Tqjfmqbvtf ijo/ Obdi efs efvumjdifo Ojfefsmbhf jn Ifjntqjfm hfhfo L÷mo tufjhfsuf tjdi ebt Kbsft.Ufbn voe hfxboo ejf Qbsujf cfj efo Kvohibjfo … Read more

Traffic Disruptions in Bremen: Farmers’ Protests Cause Chaos in the City

Traffic Disruptions in Bremen: Farmers’ Protests Cause Chaos in the City

Demonstrations Traffic disruptions in Bremen due to farmers’ protests A crossed-out traffic sign with a traffic light hangs on a tractor during a demonstration by farmers. Photo: Lennart Preiss/dpa/Symbolbild Bremen (dpa/lni). Because of the farmers’ protests, there are traffic disruptions in many places in the city of Bremen. The first traffic junctions had been blocked … Read more