NASA Captures Gorgeous Picture of Penguin Galaxy and Egg Galaxy Merge – CNN Indonesia

NASA Captures Gorgeous Picture of Penguin Galaxy and Egg Galaxy Merge – CNN Indonesia

CNN Indonesia Monday, 15 July 2024 14:24 IWST The James Webb Telescope captured the second when the galaxies NGC 2936 and NGC 2937 merged. (Picture: NASA, ESA, CSA, M. Marin (STScI)/House Telescope Science Institute) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — James Webb House Telescope (JWST) captures the moments of connecting two galaxyone nicknamed the Penguin Galaxy and … Read more

James Webb reveals new secrets of the ‘Horsehead’ nebula – FayerWayer

James Webb reveals new secrets of the ‘Horsehead’ nebula – FayerWayer

Different milestones have been experienced in space throughout the decades of exploration. Currently, one of the most important has been the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, which since December 25, 2021 relieved the Hubble Space Telescope with its surprising observations of the universe at infrared wavelengths. Its objective? Learn about the formation of … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope Captures Stunning Image of New Galaxy NGC 1559 Revealing Dust Skeleton and Young Stars

James Webb Space Telescope Captures Stunning Image of New Galaxy NGC 1559 Revealing Dust Skeleton and Young Stars

Written by Amira Shehata Friday, March 1, 2024 12:00 AM Changed infrared vision For the James Webb Space Telescope Our view of a large, barred spiral galaxy, revealing its dust skeleton illuminated by the glow of young stars. Visible-light images of NGC 1559, such as those taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, show a glowing … Read more

Impossible Galaxy ZF-UDS-7329 Revealed by James Webb Telescope: Challenging Current Models of Cosmology

Impossible Galaxy ZF-UDS-7329 Revealed by James Webb Telescope: Challenging Current Models of Cosmology

New secrets revealed James Webb Telescope Alien “JWST” after finding An ancient massive galaxy Very much, according to the opinions of scientists, its existence challenges current models and some have described it as “Impossible galaxy – ZF-UDS-7329. The galaxy contains more stars than the Milky Way, and scientists date the timing of its formation to … Read more

Rare Discovery of Exoplanets Orbiting Dead Stars by James Webb Telescope

Rare Discovery of Exoplanets Orbiting Dead Stars by James Webb Telescope

Written by Amira Shehata Sunday, February 4, 2024 06:00 PM Discover James Webb Telescope The astronaut made a rare discovery when he identified a possible rare direct orientation of two exoplanets orbiting two different dead stars. Not only do the planets strongly resemble the solar system’s gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, but their dead stars … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope Launches on Christmas Day: A Historic Milestone in Space Exploration

James Webb Space Telescope Launches on Christmas Day: A Historic Milestone in Space Exploration

It was 20 minutes after noon in Portugal when, on Christmas Day, December 25, 2021, a French-made Ariane 5 rocket took off from the Kourou Space Center, in French Guiana. Breaking through the clouds in the north of the South American continent, Ariane carried at its tip one of the most anticipated and ambitious space … Read more

Discovering Jupiter’s Hidden Secrets: New Findings from the James Webb Space Telescope

Discovering Jupiter’s Hidden Secrets: New Findings from the James Webb Space Telescope

Amira Shehata wrote Saturday, October 21, 2023 12:30 PM Although James Webb Space Telescope Initially described as having the potential to reveal the outermost horizons of the universe, some of the observatory’s most precise images are actually images of our solar system, thanks to its gold-plated mirror cell and infrared equipment, such as the near-infrared … Read more

NASA Discovers Mysterious New Class of Objects: The JUMBOs

NASA Discovers Mysterious New Class of Objects: The JUMBOs

Written by Amira Shehata Tuesday, October 3, 2023 09:00 PM Revealed James Webb Space Telescope NASA revealed a mysterious new class of objects while looking at the Orion Nebula about 1,344 light-years away. The binary objects have a mass equivalent to the planet Jupiter, so they were called “JUMBOs,” a strange new class of worlds … Read more

The James Webb Telescope Captures a Stunning Image of a Rainbow Emanating from a Newborn Star Resembling the Sun

The James Webb Telescope Captures a Stunning Image of a Rainbow Emanating from a Newborn Star Resembling the Sun

Take the James Webb Telescope from NASA A new image of a rainbow appearing emanating from a newborn star resembling the sun. Looking at the first glance at the captured image, we will find that there is a ray that resembles Star Wars, or what is called “Star Wars,” providing a glimpse of what the … Read more

“The Seventh Day: James Webb Unveils Surprising New Exoplanet Beyond Our Solar System”

“The Seventh Day: James Webb Unveils Surprising New Exoplanet Beyond Our Solar System”

I wrote – Hadeel Al-Banna Sunday, 02 April 2023 06:00 AM New coverage presented by the Seventh Day TV, about the discovery by the James Webb Space Telescope of a new planet outside the solar system from the category of giant gas planets across the Milky Way galaxy and it could be completely different from … Read more