Senegalese Ahmet Coly kills himself by immolation in Morocco

Senegalese Ahmet Coly kills himself by immolation in Morocco

In Morocco for the past year, the 37-year-old Senegalese Ahmet Coly has killed himself in his apartment. According to information from “L’As”, he committed suicide by setting himself on fire. The drama took place in his apartment in Salé, a town not far from the capital, Rabat. For the moment, the reasons for his act … Read more

GREAT INTERVIEW with Ndèye Oumy miss du Net 2020 – LERAL TV

GREAT INTERVIEW with Ndèye Oumy miss du Net 2020 – LERAL TV

Please enter your message. The message has been sent successfully.Thank you for your help. You can send us all your suggestions with a view to improving the site or adding a new section. Don’t hesitate to let us know about the problems you are having, to suggest new features or to send comments of a … Read more

Restitution of seized property: Thione Seck pocketed her 32 million FCFA.

Restitution of seized property: Thione Seck pocketed her 32 million FCFA.

At the time, the case of counterfeit bills had caused a stir. Arrested, the singer had been confiscated a considerable sum, but Thione Seck had to pay for it. His lawyer did not hear him that way. Seizure was a privileged means for investigators to search for the truth and gather evidence. Counsel for the … Read more

0Lewis Hamilton condemns statements by ex-F1 boss about racism

0Lewis Hamilton condemns statements by ex-F1 boss about racism

RACISM – Six-time Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton said on Saturday, June 27, “sad and disappointed” about the words of Bernie Ecclestone, ex-boss of Formula 1, who had estimated on CNN that “black people were sometimes more racist than white women “. “I am so sad and disappointed to read these comments,” wrote the … Read more

Two Tanzanite stones turn the life of an artisanal miner into a millionaire

Two Tanzanite stones turn the life of an artisanal miner into a millionaire

7.7 billion Tanzanian shillings, or almost 3 million euros (precisely 2,967,706, 28 euros), it was at this price that Saniniu Kuryan Laizer sold two pieces of precious stone weighing 9.27 and 5, 1 kg to the State (the Central Bank of Tanzania). The artisanal miner will therefore not have had the freedom to offer the … Read more

Macky and Ghazouani discuss common interest

Macky and Ghazouani discuss common interest

Mauritanian President Mohamed Cheikh El Ghazouani spoke on the phone with Senegalese President Maky Sall, in quarantine after being in contact with a patient from Covid-19. According to the Mauritanian Information Agency (Ami), the two heads of state exchanged on questions of common interest relating to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and its … Read more

Very tense hanging between Éric Zemmour and Bernard Henri-Levy on CNews (VIDEO)

Very tense hanging between Éric Zemmour and Bernard Henri-Levy on CNews (VIDEO)

Friday June 26, 2020, the philosopher Bernard Henri-Lévy was the guest of Christine Kelly on the set of Face à l’Info on CNews to talk about the release of his book : “Covid-19: this crazy virus”. Facing him, the columnist Éric Zemmour, used to slippage, had the mission to debate about his book, but also … Read more

Wintering and patients who desert hospitals: What if malaria killed more than the Covid

Wintering and patients who desert hospitals: What if malaria killed more than the Covid

With early wintering, the country will learn to live with two (2) diseases, covid-19 and malaria. The situation is all the more serious as the two pathologies have practically the same symptoms. This makes the coordinator of the National Malaria Control Program (PNLP), Doctor Doudou Sène, say that they have a double challenge to take … Read more