Want to Avoid Heart Disease at a Young Age? Starting Today Mandatory Consumption of Tasty Foods – All Pages

Tribune Jogja – Tribunnews.com – Heart attacks can be prevented early on with these foods – Want to Avoid Heart Disease at a Young Age? Starting Today, you have to eat this delicious food Sajiansedap.com – As one of the highest causes of death in Indonesia and throughout the world, maybe a heart attack is … Read more

Viral, Men Stroke Until Not Aware Even Suspected possessed

Jakarta – On social media viral the story of a netizen who faces a man unconscious, is said to be possessed. Twitter user @innamisme claimed to deliberately meet the man who is still a neighbor because of curiosity. According to the neighbor’s confession the man was called possessed because his tongue kept coming out and … Read more

Male Viral Stroke Suspected of Being possessed, This Stroke Symptoms Are Often Ignored

Jakarta – The story of a netizen handling unconscious men called viral possession on social media. In his speech, the man was suspected of being possessed because he did not speak clearly. “There was a neighbor who said that he was possessed, from last night I was not aware. I was curious to see that … Read more

With masks and gloves … Hassan Hosni funeral mourners bid him farewell and pray

01:28 PM Saturday 30 May 2020 – I wrote – Mona Al-Muji: Photography – Mahmoud Abdel Nasser: The funeral of the great artist Hassan Hosni, who left our world in the early hours of Saturday morning, ended after suffering a heart attack. Hosni’s body was discharged from a Cairo hospital, for burial in the tombs … Read more

Hypertension is currently the greatest global health risk – naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

Hypertension: increased risk of death from complications Currently, people around the world are concerned about the spread of the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) currently classifies high blood pressure (hypertension) as the greatest global health risk. Despite millions of sufferers, high blood pressure (arterial hypertension) is still often underestimated. Because many … Read more

Hypertension is classified as the greatest global health risk – naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

Hypertension: increased risk of death from complications Currently, people around the world are concerned about the spread of the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) currently classifies high blood pressure (hypertension) as the greatest global health risk. Despite millions of sufferers, high blood pressure (arterial hypertension) is still often underestimated. Because many … Read more

Many patients with heart attack symptoms do not come to the hospital – naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

Fear of corona: Significantly fewer hospitalizations for heart attacks Recently, it has been reported that in some hospitals patient numbers are declining and there is reason to suspect that this may be related to the fear of coronavirus infection. This fear could also be a reason why there are significantly fewer hospitalizations for heart attacks. … Read more

Many patients with heart attack symptoms no longer come to the hospital – naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

Fear of corona: Significantly fewer hospitalizations for heart attacks Recently, it has been reported that in some hospitals patient numbers are declining and there is reason to suspect that this may be related to the fear of coronavirus infection. This fear could also be a reason why there are significantly fewer hospitalizations for heart attacks. … Read more

This is how our heart can heal itself – naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

How can heart regeneration be supported? A newly discovered protein that affects cell division in the heart could, according to a recent study, possibly be used to support heart cells in regeneration. The University of Texas research found that a special protein can reduce heart cell division. The results of the study were published in … Read more

Corona crisis exacerbates other medical problems – health

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 6500 children have already died from a virus. But it wasn’t the new Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus that killed the children, but a well-known pathogen: the children fell victim to measles. Now measles and Covid-19 – apart from the fact that both are viral diseases – have nothing to do … Read more