Health reports 42 deaths from COVID-19, the highest number reported in the same day

In an unprecedented event, the Health Department reported today, Saturday, 42 new deaths from COVID-19 among people ages 40 to 101, according to the agency’s preliminary report. It is the first time that Health reports more than 40 deaths in the same day. The statistics do not mean that all the deaths occurred in the … Read more

Health Calabria, Jole Fantozzi takes the place of Brancati at the regional Department of Health

Great news, were those announced this morning by the President of the Region and Commissioner ad acta, Roberto Occhiuto, in the margin of summit convened in Cittadella with the commissioners of the Calabrian provincial health authorities. And in fact, there was no lack of news: in the afternoon the appointment of the new manager of … Read more

The health sector continues to monitor the rise in the COVID-19 positivity rate in Puerto Rico

While Europe is going through an upturn in infections that has made the continent the new epicenter of the pandemic from COVID-19, the local scientific and medical community continues to monitor the rise in positivity of the disease on the island and asks citizens not to lower their guard. “It is the false sense of … Read more

They warn of text message scams that appear to come from the Health Department to steal your personal information – Telemundo New York (47)

NEW YORK – Scammers are taking advantage of the vaccination mandate from New York and other employers to mislead New Yorkers into attempting to steal their personal information, the New York State Division of Consumer Protection and Health Department warned Tuesday. This by taking advantage of the policy that requires some employers to show proof … Read more

Hochul appoints New York State Health Commissioner – Telemundo New York (47)

What you should know Governor Kathy Hochul named Dr. Mary Bassett as the state’s new Health Commissioner on Wednesday. His position takes effect on December 1. The Democratic governor announced last week that Dr. Howard Zucker had resigned. “I made it very clear on my first day in office that I would be looking to … Read more

The Department of Health announces that the covid-19 vaccine will be mandatory for students | Agencies

The Department of Health included the vaccine against covid-19 among the vaccines that will be required so that students can return to public and private schools. In a press conference today, the Secretary of Health, Carlos Mellado said that they will begin a “VacuTour Back To School” to vaccinate all those over 12 years of … Read more

Why is the Corona incidence so high in Frankfurt?

Dhe number of new infections with the corona virus remains manageable throughout Germany. The table and maps that had long shown corona hotspots and restrictions on public life have lost their horror in the face of a nationwide incidence of 4.9. However, individual districts and cities stand out – and Frankfurt of all places is … Read more

New York’s iconic skyscrapers will be illuminated this weekend to celebrate LGTBQ Pride – Telemundo New York (47)

NEW YORK – Several of New York’s most iconic buildings will be illuminated from Thursday night to Sunday night with the colors of the multi-colored flag adopted by the LGTBQ movement, to accompany the Pride Day celebrations, which the Big Apple will celebrate this weekend. New York’s One World Trade Center skyscraper and Grand Central … Read more

The NYC Health Department offers various services for the LGBTQ community during Pride Month – Telemundo New York (47)

NEW YORK – During Pride Month, the New York City Department of Health promotes the health and well-being of New Yorkers who are part of the LGBTQ and TGNCNB community, the agency announced. On the one hand, the Chelsea Sexual Wellness Clinic of the Department of Health will provide vaccines against COVID-19, in addition the … Read more

Corona vaccinations in poor parts of Bremen will continue

Stand date: 10. June 2021. – – The aim of the measures is to reduce the incidence in poor districts like here in Blumenthal. This is where the virus has spread particularly well in the past. Image: Radio Bremen Good experiences with vaccination teams in Göpelingen Further vaccinations will start next week They are planned … Read more