Corona virus: curfews in several US states

The corona virus is also spreading in the United States. Several states impose curfews. A Trump Vice Pence employee is infected. And the citizens stock up on weapons and ammunition. The spread of the corona virus not only unsettles many people – in the United States, the crisis also leads to a rush for weapons … Read more

Interview with a psychologist: Suddenly in the home office

At the kitchen table instead of the office: Many people work at home because of the corona virus. Organizational psychologist Jennifer Chatman explains how to switch to the home office. How can companies best prepare their employees for the new situation and working in their home office? Jennifer Chatman: Before you start thinking about … Read more

Corona virus: curfew in France

French President Macron has announced that there will be a curfew of at least 14 days from today. He also said that the EU will close its borders for 30 days due to the corona virus. By Sabine Wachs, ARD Studio Paris In the fight against the further spread of the corona virus, France’s President … Read more

After contact with sick people: Trump not infected with coronavirus

He was in contact with infected people, but only after growing public pressure did the US President undergo a test for the corona virus. According to the White House, this was negative. After contacts with at least two Corona people, the White House gave the all-clear: US President Donald Trump has not contracted Covid-19. A … Read more

Corona crisis: Belgium closes |

Belgium must not become a restricted area, Prime Minister Wilmès assured – but announced drastic measures against the corona virus: schools and cafés are closed, public transport should be avoided. In order to curb the spread of the corona virus, Belgium is bringing parts of public life to a standstill for the time being. All … Read more

Euro show on the Corona crisis: ECB expects economic shock

The corona virus has become the biggest challenge for the European Central Bank since the financial crisis. But the currency keepers have largely missed their powder. The euro countries are now in demand. By Klaus-Rainer Jackisch, HR The still new head of the European Central Bank (ECB) hadn’t expected that: just four months after taking … Read more

Corona spread: Italy closes shops

In the fight against the spread of the corona virus, Italy closes all stores except pharmacies and grocery stores. In addition, many company departments are said to close. Italy orders further measures against the spread of the corona virus and closes bars and restaurants and almost all shops. Only grocery stores and pharmacies are still … Read more

Coronavirus measures: Italy becomes a restricted area

Prime Minister Conte has further restricted freedom of movement in Italy and declared the whole country a restricted area. If not absolutely necessary, people should not leave their homes. By Lisa Weiß, ARD Studio Rome Giuseppe Contes expression is serious at the late evening press conference, which is almost familiar these days. And again he … Read more

SIPRI report: France and United States largest arms exporters

France ranks third on the global arms market, according to SIPRI, after a “dramatic increase” in its exports. The peace researchers have also identified the largest buyer. By Carsten Schmiester, ARD Studio Stockholm The Stockholm peace researchers at the SIPRI Institute are studying the long-term development of global trade in heavy weapons and weapon systems … Read more

Corona crisis: Italy is sealing off large parts of the north

Italy is taking more stringent measures against the corona virus: Prime Minister Conte has announced that it will seal off larger areas in the north of the country. More than ten million people are affected. Italy is blocking larger areas in the north of the country in the fight against the spread of the novel … Read more