Colours of Ostrava Festival Line-up Boasts 19 Grammy Winners and 68 Nominations

Colours of Ostrava Festival Line-up Boasts 19 Grammy Winners and 68 Nominations

Zlata Holušová, umělecká ​ředitelka festivalu‌ Colours of Ostrava, ⁢vyjádřila nadšení‍ z obsazení řečníků⁤ na fóru Meltingpot,⁤ kteří jsou kapacitami ve svých⁣ oborech a přinášejí cenné know-how v oblastech, na něž ⁣se ⁢letos zaměřuje‍ festival. ​Novinkou je také ⁤Vypravěčský stan, který bude sloužit k sdílení příběhů a lidské moudrosti. Festival nabídne⁣ sedm hudebních scén s více … Read more

Pioneer of hipsterdom. Singer-songwriter Devendra Banhart will return to Prague

Pioneer of hipsterdom.  Singer-songwriter Devendra Banhart will return to Prague

Singer-songwriter Devendra Banhart will come to the Czech Republic next year with a new album called Flying Wig, which he released in September. The 42-year-old American with Venezuelan roots drew attention to himself at the beginning of the millennium as the frontman of the band Sonic Youth. At that time, some referred to his music … Read more

The Prague Pride festival parade culminates in a surprise. The famous LP will sing at Letná

The Prague Pride festival parade culminates in a surprise.  The famous LP will sing at Letná

Saturday’s parade organized by the festival of sexual minorities Prague Pride will culminate with an unannounced concert by the popular American singer LP. She is currently shooting a video clip for a song from the upcoming album in the Czech capital. Under normal circumstances, her appearance would be preceded by a several-month advertising campaign. The … Read more

LP to Perform Surprise Concert at Prague Pride Parade

LP to Perform Surprise Concert at Prague Pride Parade

Saturday’s parade organized by the festival of sexual minorities Prague Pride will culminate with an unannounced concert by the popular American singer LP. She is currently shooting a video clip for a song from the upcoming album in the Czech capital. Under normal circumstances, her appearance would be preceded by a several-month advertising campaign. The … Read more

Farewell Concert of Brazilian Singer-Songwriter Gilberto Gil at Colors of Ostrava Festival

Farewell Concert of Brazilian Singer-Songwriter Gilberto Gil at Colors of Ostrava Festival

He was released from custody after two months. When the Brazilian singer-songwriter Gilberto Gil composed the allegorical samba Aquele Abraço, he violently described all the sensations he saw in the streets of Rio de Janeiro after his return to freedom: the Portela dance school, the Banda de Ipanema carnival group, the girls from the favelas, … Read more