Nationwide Police Chief reveals that investigators have new information concerning the homicide case of Vina and Eky in Cirebon, the investigator Rudiana is more and more corrupt

Nationwide Police Chief reveals that investigators have new information concerning the homicide case of Vina and Eky in Cirebon, the investigator Rudiana is more and more corrupt

Jakarta, – Chief of Police Normal Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo confirmed a deep investigation into the matter pressured alongside homicide vine and for instance As Cirebon, West Java. Listyo stated that his social gathering had ordered Propam and the Inspector Normal of Police to observe the matter. “We have now engaged the Nationwide Skilled … Read more

Vina Cirebon’s household is at risk, her sister complains to the Nationwide Police Chief, that is the content material of the criticism

Vina Cirebon’s household is at risk, her sister complains to the Nationwide Police Chief, that is the content material of the criticism

Jakarta, – Viral, Fb add from the account vine Cirebonwho stated his household had acquired threats. In actual fact, Vina’s older sister Marliyana (33) complain concerning the risk to Chief of police Sigit Listing. From’s investigation, the Fb account named Vina Dewi Arsita posted a press release. “Assalamualaikum, I’m sorry, as Vina’s sister, … Read more

7 info about Jampidsus Lawyer Normal Febrie Adriansyah Apparently Adopted by Densus 88 Members

7 info about Jampidsus Lawyer Normal Febrie Adriansyah Apparently Adopted by Densus 88 Members

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Assistant Lawyer for Particular Crimes on the Lawyer Normal’s Workplace (Iampidsus Lawyer Normal’s Workplace) Febrie Adriansyah was adopted by law enforcement officials from the Densus 88 unit or the Particular Anti-Terrorism Group. The act of spying occurred when Febrie was having dinner at a restaurant in Cipete, South Jakarta. What are the … Read more

Gruesome Murder and Mutilation Case Unfolds in Sindangjaya Village, West Java: Babinsa Shares Shocking Details

Gruesome Murder and Mutilation Case Unfolds in Sindangjaya Village, West Java: Babinsa Shares Shocking Details

Jakarta, – Case murder along damage with the husband he called his wife Tarsum Sindangjaya villageCisontrol Town, Ranchah District, Ciamis Regency, West Java continues to hold the gruesome story behind the events that took place. This time the story was shared by Babinsa Cisontrol Village, Serka Karnita, who met the perpetrator directly while he … Read more

Man Arrested for Murder and Mutilation of Wife in Ciamis: Police Investigation Reveals Disturbing Details

Man Arrested for Murder and Mutilation of Wife in Ciamis: Police Investigation Reveals Disturbing Details

Jakarta, – The police arrested the man with the initials TS after he committed the crime murder along damage to his own wife in Sindangjaya villageCisontol Town, Ranchah District, Ciamis Regency, West Java. Chief of Police Ciamis, AKBP Akmal The police said that the perpetrator is currently being questioned by the police after he … Read more

DPP Mocks KMT Candidate Hou Youyi, Condemns Police Interviewing Homeowner over Sign

DPP Mocks KMT Candidate Hou Youyi, Condemns Police Interviewing Homeowner over Sign

The Democratic Progressive Party’s New Taipei City headquarters hung a sign saying “Lease Hou” yesterday (3rd) to mock KMT presidential candidate Hou Youyi, but the owner of the house was interviewed by the police. DPP spokespersons Zhang Zhihao, Dai Weishan and New Taipei City Councilor Huang Shujun stated bitterly today (3rd) that New Taipei City … Read more

Police Chief Reports Allegations of Sexual Assault by Inspector in Baden-Wuerttemberg

Police Chief Reports Allegations of Sexual Assault by Inspector in Baden-Wuerttemberg

Baden-Wuerttemberg Police chief reports: Stunned inspector May 2, 2023, 6:45 p.m Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – According to police chief Stefanie Hinz, the police inspector was initially shocked and stunned by the allegations of sexual assault. When she confronted him about it, he initially said that the commissioner who was accusing him could not do … Read more

Jokowi calls a line of ministers to the national police chief in Soga Solo, how are you?

Jokowi calls a line of ministers to the national police chief in Soga Solo, how are you?

Jakarta – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) along with a number of cabinet ministers of Indonesia Onward visited Soga Danar Hadi restaurant, at Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Sriwedari village, Laweyan district, Solo city. It appears that Jokowi is taking his first grandchild, Jan Ethes Srinarendra. What is that? Reported detik Jateng, Sunday (4/12/2022), Jokowi arrived around 09.45 … Read more

TNI Commander Candidate Test, Yudo Arrives at DPR Accompanied by Police Chief at KSAD

TNI Commander Candidate Test, Yudo Arrives at DPR Accompanied by Police Chief at KSAD

Jakarta – Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL), Admiral TNI Yudo Margonoarrives at DPR RI to take a fit or proper test or test fit and correct candidate for Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo appeared to be accompanying Yudo. monitoring detik comFriday (2/12/2022), Judo and Sigit arrived at DPR … Read more

Asked by Kabareskrim to open the BAP on the Ismail Bolong case, Ferdy Sambo: They are the ones who opened it, because I

Asked by Kabareskrim to open the BAP on the Ismail Bolong case, Ferdy Sambo: They are the ones who opened it, because I

TIME.CO, Jakarta -Former National Police Propam Division Chief Ferdy Sambo said Indonesian Police should have opened case investigation report Ismail Bolong regarding the alleged deposit of illegal coal mining products in East Kalimantan to high-ranking officials of the national police. Ferdy Sambo responded to a statement by Criminal Investigation Police Commissioner General Agus Andrianto who … Read more