Research: Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Risk

Research: Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Risk, Jakarta Avocado one of the fruits that have benefits for the body because it is healthy. A person who eats at least two or more servings of avocado per week will help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. The idea was created because of the publication of a study in the Journal of the … Read more

Not only effective in lowering bad cholesterol, this is another benefit of avocado

Not only effective in lowering bad cholesterol, this is another benefit of avocado

Avocados have many health benefits, one of which is lowering cholesterol. Photo/Eatthis JAKARTA – Behind the delicious taste, avocado turns out to have a myriad of health benefits. One of them is effective in reducing levels cholesterol . Avocados are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, lutein, carbohydrates, … Read more

5 hidden benefits of avocado that are rarely known

5 hidden benefits of avocado that are rarely known

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM — Avocado can provide tremendous benefits for health body. With good nutritional content, avocado can be a favorite fruit for weight loss. You need to know, avocado has five benefits that are good for your body. Reported from, here are five benefits avocado rarely known: 1. High in omega-3 Avocado think high … Read more

The benefits of 7 foods for brain health .. Berries protect against Alzheimer’s and eggs enhance memory

The benefits of 7 foods for brain health .. Berries protect against Alzheimer’s and eggs enhance memory

The brain is one of the most important organs of the body and it needs useful nutrients in order to carry out all its functions to the fullest, and the most important thing is to get these nutrients from the food we eat instead of food supplements, as these foods play on creating, repairing, protecting … Read more