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Swearing, lies and abuse. Karolína and Tomáš throw dirt on each other even after the Exchange

Wednesday’s Wife Swap was calm on the one hand and heated on the other. Even after the Exchange, Karolína and Tomáš can’t stand each other and don’t like to remember each other. Nevertheless, life changed for the better in both families after the Exchange.

Jarda and Mirka spent ten days during the Exchange in peace and contentment. Because of this, Karolína and Tomáš did not sit down even a little and after the Exchange they throw dirt on each other. “Tomáš is a guy who only takes a woman as property, he doesn’t respect the other gender at all, maybe not even other guys. I won’t let myself be trampled to the ground just so that there is peace at home,” said Karolína about the arguments.

Tomáš also has his opinion about her. “She wanted to control me here, to make me a fool who submits to a woman who doesn’t care about her family in the slightest. I feel sorry for Jaroslav. He’s probably the type of person who keeps up with the h**ua,” Tomáš got angry, according to him, his blood still boils when he thinks of Karolína.

​One of the disputes arose because of the money that Karolína was spending on the second household. “We bought a lot of food before the Exchange, she threw it away and bought other, organic ones. She bought things for a lot of money and wanted to reimburse me. And I don’t need some 600 shower gel for the kids, my kids never had and don’t have atopic eczema.” Tomas continued.

Mirka, on the other hand, did not understand that the family allegedly lives paycheck to paycheck, but they have a lot of expensive things. “Jarda is a slipper. She is dominant and he adapts to her,” she said and her opinion on what she observed during the ten days.

Karolína, on the other hand, protects her children’s teeth. “Yes, we brush the children’s teeth only once a day, but our children have beautiful, clean and healthy teeth. In the other family, they brush their teeth twice a day, but their children have decayed teeth up to the gums, and Zuzana’s molar even cracked during the filming.” defends.

​​However, both families were helped by the Exchange. “We became closer after the Exchange. We also introduced family evening walks together,” said Jarda, adding that their attitude towards money has also changed and they don’t spend as much anymore.

On the other hand, Mirka and Tomáš signed up for the Exchange mainly because of different opinions. But after spending ten days apart, they realized much more. “I respect my wife even more, I love her and it gave me a lot,” Tomáš said, adding that he would not want another woman and soon Mirka will have the new teeth she was looking forward to.

Karolína from the Exchange experienced a shock after returning home. She revealed what took her breath away:


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