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Suri Cruise Speaks Out About Tom Cruise and Scientology: The Truth Behind Their Relationship Revealed at 18

The Mission Impossible star’s only biological child has turned 18 and is now speaking freely about his split from his famous father and Scientology

One of the most famous child stars in the world – the daughter of Tom Cruise and his ex-wife Katie Holmes, turned 18 on April 18. However, her famous father was not with her on this memorable day. Like every other day for the past 12 years. Of course, for Suri Cruise, the only biological child of the star “Mission: Impossible”, this is not a reason for disappointment. She has long been accustomed to the absence of her famous parent and does not even want to pick up the phone if he accidentally decides to find her. For them, he is not there, say the relatives of the young girl.

Now an adult, however, the girl, a copy of her mother from the years of the popular series “Dawson’s Circle”, could freely talk about the complex relationship with her father and about the role of the Church of Scientology in this whole disagreement. .

Little Suri grew up in the spotlight as the child of one of Hollywood’s media and influential couples. The paparazzi are always in pursuit of the family and every time the little beauty appears, thousands of lights flash to seal her with her parents and especially her father Tom. At 5 months, the baby is on the cover of “Vanity Fair”. In an interview in 2023, Katie Holmes admitted that she did everything possible after the divorce

the girl to live far away

from the eyes of the audience

because as a child she was “too visible”.

In 2005, Tom Cruise jumped for joy on the sofa in an interview with Oprah Winfrey and announced that he was completely in love. After just two months of dating, he married Katie Holmes in a lavish wedding ceremony in a 15th century Italian castle and the newlyweds were dubbed Hollywood’s new golden couple. Fans immediately christened him TomCat. Suri was born in 2006. It is said that according to the instructions of the scientists, Katie had to give birth completely quietly so that the child would not be disturbed by her mother’s cries. While she was growing up, the little girl was dressed by her famous parents only in clothes, shoes and bags of leading designers, which cost 2 million dollars.

However, in 2012, when Suri was 6 years old, his parents’ marriage broke up. It is said that the main reason for this gap is the reluctance of Katie Holmes to allow her daughter to be drawn into the odious world of the Church of Scientology, whose devoted follower is still Tom Cruise. During the divorce process, the mother gets full rights over the daughter, and the father gets the right to see his daughter often, but he does not take advantage of it. His last picture with Suri was from a trip to Disneyland in 2012. Since then, he hardly saw her.

At the beginning, Cruz explains this by being too busy, ie with circumstances beyond his control. The actor apologized in court after “In Touch” magazine accused him of child abandonment and filed a lawsuit for 50 million dollars. He admits that he hasn’t seen his little girl for months, but that’s why he calls her every day – something that can’t replace his father’s presence.

In 2019, Samantha Domingo, a former follower of the Church of Scientology who left in 2004, revealed that it was actually the cult that prevented Tom Cruise from seeing his daughter. Domingo claims that according to the rules of this religion, often compared to a sect,

she has no followers

it has no right to hold up

close relationships with relatives,

which is outside the church, or against it.

For the same reason, Tom Cruise has much more connections with his two adopted children from his marriage to Nicole Kidman – 31-year-old Isabella and 29-year-old Connor. After the separation with the Australian, they stayed with their father and today they are “absolutely loyal” to Scientology, and Connor even rose high in the hierarchy of the church. On the other hand, adopted children have almost no relationship with their mother. Kidman was not even invited to her son’s wedding because, like Suri, she is outside of Scientology and should not be contacted. Nicole hasn’t spoken to Tom in over 20 years.

So, in practice, Suri is still a child of one parent – her mother, Katie Holmes, with whom she is very close. The two are often seen on the streets of New York, where they live, away from the actor who is based in Los Angeles and recently based in London. After the girl’s birthday, the two were picked up again for coffee.

It is believed that when Suri turns 18, she will finally burn bridges with her father, who no longer has to pay court-ordered child support of $400,000 a year. All that remains is the duty to provide for his daughter’s education, as well as continuing to pay her medical expenses. On the other hand, she didn’t want to depend on him for anything.

“Kate is aware of that

Suri is not needed

Tom’s money

to be happy or have access to the life they are used to. Holmes also earns a lot and can take care of his daughter, send her to any college he wants. Suri is going to be a superstar whether she’s in business or Hollywood. But one thing that is very clear to Katie is that she does not need Tom’s help to move on. She has the brains, the talent and the beauty to get to the top on her own,” said the mother’s friends.

During the divorce, Holmes was forced to sign a series of confidentiality agreements that prevented her from revealing details of her marriage to the Top Gun superstar. However, Suri does not have such obligations and she could freely pour out all her bitterness from the conflict with her father.

“I’m grateful to be her parent. She is an amazing person. She’s my heart,” says Katie Holmes of her daughter. The beautiful brunette is getting ready to enter college, but she didn’t have ambitions like most babies (children of famous parents – bb) to follow in the footsteps of his mother and father. Although she played the guitar well and recorded songs for two of the films directed by Holmes, the 18-year-old was more interested in fashion. The media suggests that Suri Cruise will definitely choose a college in New York or its surroundings to stay close to her mother. Another thing must be that her father had no place in the teenage girl’s future plans.

However, Tom Cruise does not think so, many are sure, depending on whether the actor had plans to get closer to his youngest child again. And he probably hadn’t given up trying to get her involved in Scientology. Will it happen? It depends on whether Suri is as strong and strong as her mother says.

2024-05-11 00:00:00

#Tom #Cruise #daughter #Suri #years

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