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So it helps to beautiful skin, hair and nails

Many women associate folic acid with pregnancy, because before and during this time, doctors recommend taking the vitamin. As such, it is responsible for many important processes in our body. Among other things, it can promote the healthy growth of hair and nails and support a healthy complexion. We have summarized the processes in which folic acid is involved and how you can recognize a deficiency.

What is folic acid and what do we need it for?

Folic acid belongs to the group of B vitamins and is also called vitamin B9, vitamin B11 or vitamin M. A distinction is made here between the naturally occurring folates and the industrially produced folic acid. The vitamin is on Growth processes, cell division and the formation of white and red blood cells involved. The human body cannot produce the water-soluble vitamin itself, which is why an adequate supply through food is essential.

Folic acid for healthy hair, skin and nails

Because folic acid plays a central role in the Nutrient supply plays, the cells can neither divide nor renew themselves without the vitamin. So folic acid is also for the growth of healthy hair, nails and healthy skin responsible. A deficiency can therefore affect beauty by causing the following problems:

  • Hair loss
  • premature graying
  • dull, dull and brittle hair
  • cracked nails
  • Skin problems

This is how folic acid makes our hair and nails healthy

A constant supply of folic acid through the diet ensures a healthy tissue growth and a functioning cell regeneration, As a result, hair grows healthily and, according to experience reports, even faster, since the root cells are stimulated to divide. Similar to hair, healthy growth is also stimulated in nails. With visible grooves or brittle nails, the lack of vitamins other than folic acid can also play a role.

Folic acid for beautiful skin

Folic acid has some positive effects on our skin. It improves that Skin moisture level, so that there are fewer wrinkles due to dryness and additionally strengthens the collagen structure, The vitamin also supports DNA repair because it plays an important role in DNA synthesis. It is therefore a promising anti-aging agent.

This folic acid cream has an anti-aging effect:

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Photo: Imaxtree

Folic acid promotes the healthy growth of hair and nails

Where is folic acid found?

Folate is found in almost all foods. A particularly high proportion of folic acid can be found in:

  • leafy green vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage and fennel
  • Vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus and potatoes
  • Wheat bran, whole grains and yeast
  • Legumes like soybeans and peas
  • animal foods such as liver, kidney, eggs, milk and milk products

For example, synthetic folic acid is also added to foods such as table salt or vitamin juices.

Since folic acid is water-soluble and photosensitive, it is correct storage and preparation of the food important. Store fruits, vegetables and lettuce in the dark. Also make sure to prepare your vegetables as gently as possible, as part of the folate can be lost when exposed to heat. Wash it thoroughly, but only briefly, and cook the vegetables over a low heat with a little water.

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Photo: iStock

Folic acid is found in almost all foods

How should folic acid be taken?

The daily requirement for folic acid is according to the German Nutrition Society in adults and children from 13 years of age at 300 micrograms, Have a higher need Pregnant women (Recommended intake: 550 micrograms) and breastfeeding women (450 micrograms folic acid). In addition to a diet rich in folic acid, a Dietary supplement with additional folic acid be useful during pregnancy. However, talk to your gynecologist about supplementation beforehand to determine the correct dose during pregnancy and to avoid overdosing. Under normal circumstances, however, you can also meet your needs with a diet rich in folate with lots of fruits and vegetables every day.

If there is an increased need, these high-dose folic acid tablets can help:

Folic acid if you want to have children

Women who want to have children and pregnant women should consume more folic acid, for example because of Risk of a neural tube defect, Nevertheless, liver should be avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy: This contains more vitamin A than recommended, an overdose could harm the unborn child. Let yourself be best advised by your gynecologistwhat amount of folic acid should be taken in which form in addition to a healthy diet.

What Happens When Folic Acid Is Deficient?

If the diet is too one-sided, alcohol abuse or the use of various medications (for example cancer or epilepsy), one can Folic acid deficiency arise. Possible symptoms are:

  • a tingling sensation on the tongue
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes, especially the intestinal mucosa
  • Fatigue, irritability, up to depression
  • Pallor and difficulty breathing
  • Gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • an increased tendency to bleed

You can also Disorders of growth and reproduction of cells and tissues be the result. Indirectly, the deficiency also poses a risk factor for arteriosclerosis and therefore for Heart attack and stroke represents.

To ensure that the child can grow up healthy in its mother’s womb, care should also be taken to ensure that folic acid is available during pregnancy. If there is a deficiency during pregnancy Central nervous system damage possible, the result are Neural tube defects such as spina bifida, colloquially also called open back, in which one part of the spine remains open and the children are severely physically impaired.

Folic acid – a conclusion

For a healthy and vital body it is important to have enough folic acid. The need can go through under normal circumstances folate-containing food be covered Deficiency symptoms however, can also occur due to some medication or excessive alcohol consumption. Especially Pregnant women or Women who want to have children should speak to your gynecologist about the additional intake of a dietary supplement in order to rule out health risks for the unborn child and to ensure a problem-free birth. The positive effects of a balanced diet with enough folic acid can also be seen externally: The Hair and nails grow back more and the The complexion improves, since the B vitamin is jointly responsible for cell division.

Reading tip: Learn how you can use the healing power of folic acid for yourself

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