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Scarlett Johansson’s Coach Workout Routine


Scarlett Johansson starred in 2019 Avengers: Endgame, one of the highest grossing movies of the year. But, in addition to being a great success, the film was also a challenge for the actress, since had to undergo a very hard physical preparation to be able to display his physique on the big screen when playing the black widow.

He did it from the hand of his personal trainer, Eric Johnson, a man of his utmost confidence and who prepared for her a plan at the height of a professional athlete. Then it was his turn: for months he had to work daily and work hard to achieve an impressive physical level. Finally, all his fans were able to see him in the cinema.

Many of the exercises that Eric Johnson prepared for Scarlett Johansson can be very useful for those who want to lose weight. In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, sport is essential to lose weight long-term and we are going to review some of those trainings that the personal trainer prepared to fine-tune the famous actress.

Sport for weight loss

Eric Johnson is co-founder of the Homage company, dedicated to personalized advice for sports training. On Homage’s own Instagram page we find some of the exercises Scarlett Johansson performed to prepare the last installment of Avengers, a workout that can also be used to lose weight.

The actress has been working with Eric Johnson for years and has always trusted him with her physical training.

The coach explained to the Hollywood Reporter that “the Black Widow is capable of lifting 225 kilos“Thanks to the strength training carried out. The actress was not looking to lose weight or lower her body fat percentage, but was looking at the highest physical level to play the role as well as possible. That is why she did everything necessary to get ready.

Scarlett Johansson works five days a week in 45 minute sessions within an hour. It does early in the day, before your daughter wakes up. They are sessions “fun but with maximum concentration” and much of the success lies in the plyometric exercises: it is a type of exercise with which to improve both strength and speed thanks to fast, explosive and powerful movements.

news-img-figure">Scarlett Johansson, alongside Colin Jost, at the premiere of Avengers: Endgame
news-img-caption-def">Scarlett Johansson, alongside Colin Jost, at the premiere of Avengers: Endgame

The actress always wants to do her best when she gets in front of the cameras and one of her maxims is that “if you’re doing an action scene, you want to be as fresh and powerful in the first shot as in the twentiethSo, the physical work she did with her personal trainer is as important to her as it can be for other people to lose weight.

The Johansson Example

In addition to plyometric exercises, much of the actress’ training goes through the weight lifting (does so by lifting deadlift with heavy load), use of kettlebells, or kettlebells and medicine ball throws. It is the way to put into operation all the muscles of the body, but using simple materials that are within the reach of most people.


Products high in saturated fat or refined carbohydrates and high in calories can boycott our weight loss plan

In addition, Eric Johnson boasts of the work his pupil does: “If I show her something I can easily do, she wants to do it. We ended many sessions with sprints, she against me, and if i give him a 5 meter lead he gets mad“One more example of the winning character of the actress and her impressive willpower that allows her to face any challenge.

But if the physical was important, the diet was not less. He used intermittent fasting to eat alone for 12 hours every day. Also, in the days before filming, Johansson eliminated carbohydrates from her diet, which she describes as “a bit of Hollywood magic”, one of the formulas that the actress and her coach have learned over the years .

The actress only eats food for 12 hours a day and prefers to train first thing in the morning before her daughter wakes up.

The actress divides her diet into two types of days: a high carb day supposes ingesting 125 grams of carbohydrates, 105 grams of proteins and 35 grams of fats; while the low carb days take 75 grams of carbohydrates, 115 grams of protein and 50 grams of fat. And most importantly: always eating a balanced, healthy and healthy diet is essential to make the weight loss process a long-term success.

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