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Revamped Video: Boyko Borisov Opines that a Party’s Might Lies in Its Military and People, Not Just 7 Leaders

  • Strength is our weakness, we are too strong. Opponents cannot paint what we have done, the GERB leader told supporters in Lovech
  • Opponents tell us you live better. If you agree to this – you will not see me again
  • We will complete the rehabilitation program, said Nikolay Nankov
  • Against us are people who can sell dreams, but not manage, added Mladen Marinov

Nothing has changed since the time of Mircho Spasov, because Boyko Rashkov came. You have to be a bad person, sick to your soul, to call a concentration camp “Sunny Beach”. When I became the general secretary, I wanted to wash away my mother’s grief – her relative died in the camps. In the archives it was written: died of red wind in the “Sunny Beach” camp.

Now the new generation does not know who Katsamunski is, Mircho Spasov – do you understand the double humiliation – died of red wind on “Sunny Beach”.

This is how GERB leader Boyko Borisov emotionally began his speech to sympathizers in the hall of the “Nauka” community center in Lovech.

For Hemus, I am grateful to those after us for funding something, however small. Now it would take 10 minutes to reach Lovech from the current turnoff.

And do you remember how they drained the dams on purpose – but Tomislav (Donchev) took a picture with a newspaper on the relevant date and a full dam was seen, they got scared and didn’t drain any more dams, Borisov recalled.

Petkov said that Velkova contradicts herself – no, this is a secret report, but when it became known, they threatened her, and that’s why she pulled away. Everyone attacked her because this is the situation in the country, Borisov commented on the debates after Velkova’s comment about the state of finances.

Why is Lyubo Ganev congratulating me? Well, when I became prime minister, Sofia did not have a sports hall, Plovdiv and Ruse – neither. And Varna – there was Varna, where thousands of spectators gathered for volleyball. However, it was in need of repair. When we did a survey, it turned out that the floor is supported by columns, and they are hanging in the air, and there is 9 m of water under it! God save us! We redid the hall.

Well, in Burgas – the biggest hall in Bulgaria has been built for 2 years, it is bigger than “Arena Armeets”. They don’t release it so they don’t say we made it.

The same is true for churches and monasteries – without God we can do nothing. And the fact that we survived these 2 years is also God’s work.

Strength is our weakness, we are too strong. Opponents cannot paint what we have done. I saw last night (Friday evening) the guardrail near Kazichene – it has been standing for months after the crash with migrants, there is no marking.

Asen Vasilev says you live better. If you agree to this – you will not see me again.

The strength is the army – there may be 7 leaders, but the strength is in the army. When I think of the stupid things he did in his 20s, 30s, 40s and more – it is important to have one or two with gray hair, but there must be very young ones.

2009 saw the biggest crisis since the Great Depression. Then – the migration crisis. After that, covid hit us – there was no medical protocol, the world didn’t know what to do, but we managed to get Bulgaria through the best way.

Rositsa Velkova does Asen Vassilev’s dirty work. They want a few billion more from taxes – from small and medium-sized companies. but the white companies, the transparent ones that drive the economy, will suffer. We will not support taxing the restaurants, gyms and others most affected by covid, then they were tolerant, now we will support them.

That it is difficult, it is! I am one of the few people who know how, we need your support. We know how, but we need powerful support.

And thank you very much for coming here on Saturday afternoon, Boyko Borisov concluded.

The meeting with sympathizers began with a welcome from the mayor of Lovech, Kornelia Marinova. She thanked Borisov on behalf of an athlete of national and world stature – Lyubo Ganev. “Nobody has done as much for sports as Borisov has,” said Ganev.

We are confident that we will get enough to bring the state back. We thank Borisov for addressing us and the pains and problems of the cities. In Lovech, thanks to the subsidies, we built the landfill, repaired the cathedral. We carried out major repairs on 50 km of the road network, many repairs were carried out in the water supply infrastructure, in education.

A year ago yesterday, they decided to deal with the opposition themselves and arrested our leader and two colleagues. This has not happened in the last 30 years, but in 8 months they bankrupted the state. They managed to declare the mayors enemies – we were pushed without European funds and national funding, without a recovery plan, said the mayoress of Lovech.

On April 2, let’s make Bulgaria a stable country again, she added.

The leader of the list Nikolay Nankov stated that he is convinced that after April 2, stability will be created in the country. He announced that he was proud to be among the leader of the party, part of the colleagues from the list and all the sympathizers in the hall.

We will complete the remediation program. People don’t need to pay for the many fees – back in the day everything was 100% free. We will continue this. The average age of the leaves is 40 years, Nankov announced.

Nankov has done a lot for the infrastructure of Bulgaria and I understand his anger because everything is falling apart, said the member of the GERB hunting list Mladen Marinov. Enemies know that the strength of GERB is the leader and full salons.

We will tighten our belts when necessary – municipalities are not divided by parties. Against us are people who can sell dreams, but not rule.

I’m sure people will tell the difference before and now. Currently, we are witnessing crimes every day, the border is on the line – Boyko Rashkov bled the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – I say this with regret.

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