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Police investigate suicide officer who complained about bullying colleagues NOW

The police are investigating the suicide of a 31-year-old police officer from Driebergen, confirming the police after reporting the NRC Friday. The digital expert put an end to his life last week, five days after he complained about bullying colleagues at work.

The man had a conversation with his supervisors on December 13. In that conversation he complained according to the NRC about “bullying behavior” by colleagues from the National Unit. He died before the follow-up conversation about the situation in the workplace.

A few days before the interview with the works council, the police officer had also expressed objections about a “labor incident”. Exactly what this incident entails is not further specified.

A police spokesman emphasizes that the investigation into the alleged bullying behavior is still ongoing. “Whether there is a connection with the suicide of the man, we cannot say now. That is too short at the moment.”

The police say they regret the policeman’s death. The Security Integrity and Complaints Office, a special complaints department within the police, carries out the investigation into the suicide. The results are expected within a few weeks.

Do you think of suicide? You are not alone. Contact 113 Suicide Prevention via www.113.nl or call 0900-0113.

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