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On the planet Venus Rain is Acidic and Contains Metal


Venus often referred to as Earth’s twin because there are several similarities between the two planet this. But actually, the weather on Venus is very different from that on Earth, including the rain.

In comparison, Venus and Earth are similar in size, have the same composition, and both orbit within the sun’s habitable zone.

Apart from that, there are several important differences that make Venus called a molten hell hole. In large part this is due to Venus’s very dense atmosphere and is completely inhospitable to life.

And because of its natural density and composition, Venus’ average surface temperature is very hot. The temperature on Venus reaches an average of 462 degrees Celsius. With such high temperatures, anything that is liquid will evaporate before it can reach the surface, including acid rain.

Although carbon dioxide is not visible, clouds are on planet it consists of opaque clouds containing sulfuric acid. Hence, even rain on Venus takes the form of acid rain.

Due to these conditions, we cannot see the surface of the planet using conventional methods. Everything we know about the surface of Venus is collected by spacecraft equipped with radar imaging instruments, which can peer through thick clouds and reveal the surface beneath.

Quoted from Phys.org, from the many flybys and atmospheric probes sent into thick clouds, scientists already know that Venus’ atmosphere is very dense.

In fact, the mass of the atmosphere Venus is 93 times the mass of Earth, and the air pressure on its surface is estimated to be 92 bar, which is 92 times that of Earth at sea level. If humans could stand on the surface of Venus, they would be destroyed by its atmosphere.

The composition of Venus’s atmosphere is very toxic, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide (96.5%) with a small amount of nitrogen (3.5%) and traces of other gases, especially sulfur dioxide. Combined with its density, the composition produces the strongest greenhouse effect of any planet in the Solar System.

In short, if you want to describe Venus, the description is planet It is very hot, the air pressure is very high, the wind is blowing very hard, and it rains containing sulfuric acid and metals and thunderstorms caused by volcanic eruptions. Horrible!

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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