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“Maischberger”: “Klamauk” – Ramelow hands out against the moderator

panorama “Maischberger”

“Cheap Klamauk” – Ramelow hands out against the moderator

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As of: 8:05 a.m. | Reading time: 5 minutes

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This is the German talk show landscape

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Politicians at “Anne Will”, talks at “Maischberger” and controversial discussions at “hard but fair” – the German talk show landscape knows many faces. A summary of the German talk shows.

Thuringia and the CDU – both are currently looking for a new boss. The race to succeed Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is still completely open. Bodo Ramelow wants to return to office in Thuringia – of all things with the help of the CDU.

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In The CDU party chairman no longer wants to be elected in Berlin. In Erfurt, on the other hand, a former prime minister of the left absolutely wants to get back into office. And in the United States, the Democrats are struggling with which presidential candidate they want to run for election. Sandra Maischberger had to process a few elections this week. Thuringia’s former prime minister Bodo Ramelow distributed mainly against the moderator and otherwise remained guilty of answers. He is relying on the help of the Union to regain his office.

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Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer – – – – –

MEP Elmar Brok and political scientist Werner Patzelt were on the program for a discussion on the Union of Values ​​in the CDU. The encounter would have had the material for the exchange of blows, but it ended calmly. Parliamentary correspondent Cerstin Gammelin, journalist Nikolaus Blome and “Spiegel” author Markus Feldenkirchen were on the program to classify the situation.

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At “Maischberger” the guests discussed a. on the topic: Earthquake in the Union – Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer throws down

Source: WDR / Max Kohr

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The most cheeky guest on the show

The former Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow announced against the moderator that he had not “come here to make cheap mess”. The latter had previously asked him several times about his assessment of the chances of success in a new election for the Prime Minister in Thuringia. Ramelow did not provide an answer that evening. Instead, Ramelow took on the FDP. He had “made a fool of himself” with their parliamentary group when he came to them for a discussion on the morning of the Prime Minister election. There he even thanked FDP man Thomas Kemmerich for running in the third ballot.

He assumed that “the FDP is making it clear that it is not in agreement with the AfD. But I did not have the wildest dream that Mr. Kemmerich would be elected by the AfD. ”He explains how Kemmerich should have prevented AfD MPs from voting for him in a free and secret election In the evening, Ramelow was not outraged.

The most difficult plan of the evening

The left-wing politician relied on the Union when he regained his position as prime minister. “That is the offer to the CDU. Elects the state government so that we can act as we come to new elections, ”says Ramelow. In fact, the former prime minister needs the help of the Union on the way to renewed state elections. This would first have to help him get into office. After a lost vote of confidence, he could then conduct new elections. The state parliament also has the option of dissolving itself with a two-thirds majority. But the red-red-green coalition that previously ruled in Thuringia has no majority in this regard either.

The CDU and FDP are unlikely to be interested in a new ballot. This would result in severe losses for them. According to a survey, the Union would only get a meager 13 percent of the vote – the result would be more than halved. The FDP would most likely no longer move into the state parliament.

The most questionable allegation of the evening

“It was the second time that Lindner has helped to really bring the Republic to chaos,” says journalist Cerstin Gammelin. For them, the FDP leader should have resigned. Gammelin is right that Lindner “really did two damage to the country”. However, Lindner is not responsible for the chaos. Rather, it was the sneaking course of the CDU and SPD that suddenly brought the FDP party leader into the position of kingmaker in the Bundestag election. And in Thuringia, such gimmicks only became possible with the strengthening of both political margins.

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In Germany, mistakes by the smallest opposition party in the Bundestag are already sufficient for a crisis. In Austria, the participation of a government party was necessary. However, Lindner cannot be blamed for this. It is rather a description of the current state of democracy in Germany.

The most mocking quote of the evening

“There is no politician who really thinks he’s the greatest pike in the pond like Mr. Merz,” says Feldenkirchen. The political scientist expects a duel between Friedrich Merz and NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet to succeed Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

It had only become known yesterday that Merz is likely to run again. Kramp-Karrenbauer does not want to leave office until December. Blome is certain that the former Union group leader could play into the cards as quickly as possible. The chances are particularly good the fresher the memories of the events in Thuringia are. “He can say of himself: ‘If someone can really heat the AfD, then it’s me,'” says the journalist. Laschet, on the other hand, has an interest in venturing out of the state into federal politics as late as possible “and re-enacting exactly what happened to Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer”.

The most American argument of the evening

So far, two men stand out in the Democratic primary in the United States: 38-year-old Pete Buttigieg and 78-year-old US Senator Bernie Sanders. Feldenkirchen believes that underestimating the latter because of his age is wrong: “We are making the same mistake that we made at Trump in the beginning.”

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From left, Democratic presidential candidates former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, shakes hands with former Vice President Joe Biden as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Watches Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, before the start of a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by ABC News, Apple News, and WMUR-TV at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH (AP Photo / Charles Krupa)– – – – –

The current US president even benefited from Sanders in the past election. So many voters voted for him because they were disappointed with Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate. Especially in the highly competitive swing states, the frustration with the non-nomination of Sanders contributed to Trump’s profits.

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