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Kerchans were told in detail about the coronavirus »Kerch.FM

The Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Kerch clarified the inhabitants of the coronovirus, Kerch.FM reports. Kerchans were told about the symptoms, methods of transmission and protection against it.

Coronaviruses Is a family of viruses that predominantly infect animals, but in some cases can be transmitted to humans. Usually, diseases caused by coronaviruses proceed in a mild form, without causing severe symptoms. However, there are severe forms, such as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars).

What are the symptoms of a disease caused by a new coronavirus?

Feeling tired, shortness of breath, fever, coughing and / or sore throat.

Symptoms are in many ways similar to many respiratory diseases, often mimic the common cold, and may be like the flu.

If you have similar symptoms, consider the following:

– Have you visited in the last two weeks in high-risk areas (China and surrounding regions)?

– Were you in contact with someone who visited the high-risk areas (China and surrounding regions) in the past two weeks?

– If the answer to these questions is positive, the symptoms should be treated as carefully as possible.

How is coronavirus transmitted?

Like other respiratory viruses, coronavirus spreads through drops that form when an infected person coughs or sneezes. In addition, it can spread when someone touches any contaminated surface, such as a door handle. People become infected when they touch their mouth, nose, or eyes with soiled hands.

Initially, the outbreak came from animals, presumably, the source was the seafood market in Wuhan, where there was an active trade not only in fish, but also in animals such as marmots, snakes and bats.

How to protect yourself from coronavirus infection?

The most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to keep your hands and surfaces clean. Keep your hands clean, wash them often with soap and water, or use a disinfectant.

Carry a hand sanitizer with you so that you can clean your hands in any environment.

Always wash your hands before eating.

Be especially careful when in crowded places, airports, and other public transportation systems. As much as possible, touch the surfaces and objects located in such places and do not touch your face.

Carry disposable wipes with you and always cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, and be sure to dispose of them after use.

Do not eat food (nuts, chips, cookies and other snacks) from common packages or utensils if other people dipped their fingers in them.

Avoid complimentary handshakes and kisses on the cheek.

At work, regularly clean surfaces and devices that you touch (computer keyboard, general office equipment panels, smartphone screen, remotes, door handles and handrails).

Make sure everyone in the family has their own towel; remind you not to share toothbrushes and other personal hygiene items.

Ventilate the room frequently.

Can a new coronavirus be cured?

Today, most sick people recover. Seek medical attention. The doctor will be hospitalized according to indications and will prescribe treatment.

There is no specific antiviral drug for the new coronavirus, just as there is no specific treatment for most other respiratory viruses that cause colds.

But there are treatment regimens and drugs that help recover.

The most dangerous complication is viral pneumonia. In order to start treatment on time, you need to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Is there a vaccine for the new coronavirus?

There is currently no such vaccine, however, in a number of countries its development has already begun.

What is the difference between coronavirus and influenza virus?

Coronavirus and influenza virus may have similar symptoms, but genetically they are completely different.

Influenza viruses multiply very quickly – symptoms appear two to three days after infection, and the coronavirus takes up to 14 days to do this.

New coronavirus worse than past epidemics?

The Spanish flu, or Spanish flu caused by the H1N1 virus, remains the most devastating flu pandemic in modern history. The disease spread across the globe in 1918 and is estimated to have killed between 50 and 100 million people.

The 2009 swine flu outbreak killed 575,400 people.

Asian flu in 1957 caused the deaths of approximately two million people, and the Hong Kong flu killed one million people 11 years later.

In the current situation, with regard to the increase in the potential risk of importing and spreading the new coronavirus 2019 – nCoV in the territory of the Russian Federation, we recall the advisability of using a disposable medical mask as an effective measure for the prevention of infection and the spread of infection.

The use of a disposable medical mask prevents drops of respiratory secretions, which may contain viruses, from entering the body of a healthy person through the nose and mouth.

Wear a mask when caring for a family member with symptoms of a viral respiratory illness.

If you are sick or have symptoms of a viral respiratory illness, wear a mask before approaching other people.

If you have symptoms of a viral respiratory illness and you need to see a doctor, wear a mask in advance to protect others in the waiting area.

Wear a mask when in crowded places.

Use the mask once; reusing the mask is not allowed. Change the mask every 2-3 hours or more.

If the mask is wet, it should be replaced with a new one.

After using the mask, discard it and wash your hands.

A disposable medical mask, when used correctly, is a reliable and effective method to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection and prevent the spread of influenza.

Epidemiologist Odintsova O.Yu.

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