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“How to Watch Apple’s WWDC 2023 Keynote: Live Streaming Options and Developer Sign-Ups”

Apple has announced that developers can now sign up for the 2023 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). The event will take place online once again and the keynote will be held on June 5th.

In preparation for WWDC, Apple has highlighted several ways that the keynote can be watched, including through Apple.com or the Apple Developer app. The live stream will also be available on YouTube and through the Apple TV app.

Apple also plans to offer SharePlay as a feature on the Apple Developer app, encouraging developers and fans to engage with one another while watching the keynote. Additional activities include chats with Apple engineers, designers, and other Apple experts, as well as Q&A sessions and Meet the Presenter activities, which are hosted through Slack.

Some of the available Activity topics covered will include Augmented Reality, Design, App Store, Health and Fitness, Developer Tools, Maps and Location, Privacy and Security, and more.

Apple has also promised Sessions and Labs which will take place after the keynote event. This year’s WWDC keynote is expected to focus on Apple’s much-anticipated AR/VR headset, which is rumored to be making its debut at the event.

Leading up to the conference, Apple has been hyping up the event with its tagline, “Code new worlds”. This appears to be a hint about Apple’s new xrOS platform, which will run on the headset.

Developers are excited about the event, especially those who have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of Apple’s new AR/VR headset. The current state of AR/VR offerings is relatively limited, so anything Apple does in this space will likely generate significant buzz.

However, the impact of the pandemics still looms large on the tech industry, and Apple is no exception. The company is seeking ways to make its annual conference more engaging and interactive than ever before, offering live streaming options and more tools for developers to engage with one another.

Overall, the upcoming WWDC promises to be an exciting and informative event for developers, tech enthusiasts, and anyone interested in learning more about Apple’s AR/VR headset. As the date grows closer, it will be interesting to see what other surprises Apple has in store for attendees.

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