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How to stay motivated to do physical exercise in quarantine


After more than a month stuck at home, You may have already read more than one article about exercising at home. It is essential to stay active, especially in situations like the ones we are in, not only to maintain a good state of physical health, but also on a mental level. After all, doing workouts causes the body to release endorphins, hormones that provide physical and emotional well-being, so it will help you reduce anxiety levels that you may suffer in quarantine.

As the weeks go by, your mood may drop. It is normal; Although the human being has a great capacity for adaptation, spending so much time locked up ends up having an effect on the mood. But this is precisely what makes physical exercise so necessary. “When we do physical activity, we release a good part of endorphins, the hormone of happiness“Corroborates the American doctor Lynette Charity, in ‘Mel Magazine’.

Most people exercise with an external motivation in mind

“Exercise helps your brain get rid of the mental pressure it is enduring throughout the day,” he continues. “If you do not practice it, and above all being in circumstances of isolation and social distancing, you can develop any symptoms of a depressive nature. Training raises your endorphin levels so that this does not happen. “

For many who have childrenPlaying with them at home can be a good way to sweat and drop endorphins. In any case, the most important thing is to find the right space and time to make it as easy as possible. Hence the importance of know how to find enough motivation to do it regularly, since if you do not have fun or find an incentive, it will be easier to adapt it to the routine.

Feeling the body more relaxed

Therefore, Charity advises that instead of thinking about burning calories or gaining muscle strength, what will reconcile you with physical activity will be to reflect that, once done, You will feel the body much more relaxed, making the daily stress or anxiety that you may experience much milder or disappear. So, if you think of it as a way to feel better physically and mentally and less as a kind of self-imposition, perhaps you find it more attractive.

Write about what motivates you. It is very important that each person knows for himself why he should exercise

The diseases that you may suffer in the long term and for which you need to take pills, whether they are the most typical such as cardiovascular or those related to mood, will be more likely to be stopped if we exercise daily and maintain healthy habits .

“Most people exercise just thinking of an external motivation,” he says. Aneesh Chaundhry, personal trainer. This comes from being stronger or sporting a more toned body in front of others. “The key is to find some personal reasons so as not to lose the desire or the feeling that you must continue doing it ”.


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One of the main reasons why you can lose that motivation it’s also the fact of being socially isolated. After all, before the pandemic and the closure, exercising was also synonymous with coming into contact with other people. Going to the gym or going for a run or walking with a friend was the best way to do sports. The fact that we are each relegated to the intimate space makes the desire for physical activity disappear. For this reason, Chaundhry admits that this time is “a real challenge for our mental health”, and that “We must keep our minds busy to fill that social void.”

To avoid giving up at the first change, if you are not very familiar with physical exercise you do not have to kill yourself with push-ups or sit-ups all day. The expert assures that just half an hour and three days a week will be enough to start noticing the benefits for our mental and physical health. “You must have a reason to do it, or else you will not comply”, remember. “Write about what motivates you. It is very important that each person knows for themselves why they should exercise, whether it is to prevent a hypothetical future illness, to have a better physical appearance or to want to free themselves from stress. You must write down those reasons and remind yourself of them every day. ”

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