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Even if you don’t like it, accept your children as they are

The “Sex and the City” star has a son and twins with her husband Matthew Broderick. The girls were worn by a surrogate mother

To the people of the world, she is Carrie Bradshaw from the cult series “Sex and the City”, but to her children she is just a mother. Sarah Jessica Parker and her husband, actor Matthew Broderick, have a 20-year-old son and 13-year-old twins from a surrogate mother. Although on the screen Carrie changes her boyfriends like handkerchiefs, in life the actress is monogamous and after 25 years of marriage (concluded in 1997) her couple with Broderick is considered one of the most stable in Hollywood. Husbands always keep their children away from the spotlight, therefore the appearance of their photos in the press is perceived as a real event.

James Wilkie was born on October 28, 2002 and was named after Matthew’s father, actor James Broderick. “I think if I had been raised as a privileged child, I wouldn’t be the hard-working person I am today. I appreciate the work very much. I think it’s our duty as parents with my husband to give James Wilkie an example of what it means to owe something to your community and show him that he doesn’t have the right to enjoy the benefits of our hard work and fame,” says the actress. Some time ago, the famous mother admitted that she was not worried about the boy wearing out the clothes of her many nephews and even her own brother, which James’ grandmother carefully kept. “I don’t remember buying him clothes except for coats and new shoes,” admitted the woman who turned into a fashion icon in the series. Currently, the son of Sarah Jessica and Matthew is already a student at the prestigious Brown University and is

learning to live independently away from her star parents

The actress was 37 when she gave birth to her first child, so at 44, she no longer decided on her own to give birth to twins Tabitha Hodge and Marion Loretta Elwell, who were born on June 22, 2009. Parker later shared , that she is truly grateful to the woman who helped her become a mother again, to two children at once. The actress was very careful not to go into too many details about surrogacy in front of her 7-year-old son and at the same time tried to prepare him that in the future he would have to share mom and dad with someone else. The actor’s family talked a lot with the boy, because they both wanted to keep the secret of the twins’ impending appearance from the paparazzi, and also so that the older child would not be burdened by this secret.

When they were 2 years old, the girls wanted to be hugged by their mother at the same time. “I could barely lift them both together,” laughs frail Sarah Jessica Parker. Otherwise, her daughters were very different in character and interests. They were devoted to each other, but they liked to have moments alone. Tabitha could play by herself for hours, and Loretta loved the constant attention. They went to different schools on Tabitha’s idea. Like their mother, they both loved fashion. The twins were giddy with happiness and pride when their mother once again appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine in 2021, wearing a gorgeous ball gown with glittering floral appliqués. Sarah Jessica wants girls to get used to taking care of their appearance, but that doesn’t mean they always have to be in high heels and expensive outfits. You can feel and look good in everyday clothes, you should be comfortable when you go for a walk, believes the actress.

At home, she has created strict rules for the upbringing of the children. One of the most important is

problems in the family to be solved by talking,

everything must be carefully explained to the younger generation. The other is to accept the heirs as they are, and not to make any attempt to change them and force them to do things that are not in their hearts.

As extremely busy parents, the Parker-Broderick family had to hire nannies when the children were young, but tried to look after them themselves whenever possible. The most valuable were the moments when everyone gathered at home. Then it’s time for board games, listening to music or watching good movies. According to Sarah Jessica, every working mother has to find the balance between her career and the responsibilities at home. Therefore, always after a long project like “Sex and the City”, the actress took a break to devote herself to her children.

Part of the precious time with them should be spent outside, in the open air, the star mother also confesses, regardless of the risk of the paparazzi immediately sniffing them. Therefore, in the past, the actress was often spotted with her son and daughters at a playground in New York.

At 57, Sarah Jessica Parker looks gorgeous and is convinced that her good figure is due to long walks – she takes no less than 10,000 steps a day – and healthy eating. Therefore, her son and daughters have been taught from a young age how important physical movement and eating healthy products are. As a child, James had food allergies, so the actress is very careful about what she puts on the table. The twins, on the other hand, really liked avocado and almond milk, with which desserts are also made in the house.

Another important rule is that children cannot get everything they want. Screen Carrie Bradshaw remembers that in childhood her mother

didn’t have the opportunity to pamper her with gifts,

but it taught her to appreciate what she had. She hopes that one day her children will be independent, earn their own money through hard work and be able to buy whatever they want.

The star wants to pass on to his heirs true values ​​that will make them self-confident adults. The only thing that matters to her is that they are happy.

And the most important thing for this to happen is for them to be allowed to express their own personality and opinions, even if their parents don’t like it, Sarah Jessica is convinced.

She admits it’s sometimes difficult, especially with teenagers, but she’s convinced that scandals and mechanical bans are counterproductive, so she lets things happen with one exception – as long as they’re not potentially dangerous.

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