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Europe on High Alert: Wave of Pneumonia Cases in Children and Growing Pandemic Concerns

There are now fears that the outbreak has also affected Europe, with a shocking wave of pneumonia cases among children in the Netherlands and Denmark.

Just a few years after the start of the global Covid pandemic, people are starting to worry that another pandemic is on the way.

In light of these growing concerns, a health expert has told the Daily Express that Europe needs to step up preventive measures as the readiness of healthcare systems to deal with the outbreak is being “ignored”.

dr. Joseph Ambani, an infectious disease expert, said that not enough is currently known about this “alarming” respiratory disease, but that European healthcare systems must prepare for the worst.

“It is very important to understand whether it is a new strain or a mutation of an existing virus. This knowledge determines our predictions about its spread and virulence,” adds the doctor.

China currently claims that the respiratory illness is caused by bacterial infection, RSV, flu and cold viruses, but there are growing concerns that it is underestimating the seriousness of the situation.

The severity of the infection could prove particularly dangerous for Europe because of its aging population. Pneumonia symptoms are known to worsen in the elderly, who could face “significant problems,” according to Dr. Ambani.

European healthcare systems must start preparing to fight this infection. In addition to monitoring the situation and maintaining a high level of preparedness, they must also increase all efforts currently underway to mitigate the impact of the infection.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently examining data provided by China on the growing outbreak, while doctors around the world are on high alert.

2023-12-01 14:12:00
#Expert #warns #Europe #prepare #worst #China #outbreak

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