Brazil and Cuba Sign Agreements for Joint Development of Medicines and Vaccines to Combat Alzheimer’s and Diabetes

Havana, (EFE). Brazil and Cuba signed three agreements today to jointly develop medicines and vaccines against Alzheimer’s or diabetes. They do so by taking advantage of synergies, and to resume scientific and technological exchanges. September 16, 2023 – 16:45 The signing of cooperation in health matters took place during the meeting held at the Palace … Read more

Fertilize Your Soil with Two Tablets: Transform Your Earth into Fertile Ground

Fertilize Your Soil with Two Tablets: Transform Your Earth into Fertile Ground

The earth will become like new, fertile and will not hurt in any way if you fertilize it with just two tablets. Fertilizing is necessary to treat the soil against fungal diseases and viral infections. Dissolve two furatsilin tablets in 10 liters of warm water. First, they can be crushed. Then add one teaspoon of … Read more

Understanding ADD and ADHD: Symptoms and Treatment Options

Understanding ADD and ADHD: Symptoms and Treatment Options

What exactly are ADD and ADHD and what are the symptoms? “There is one umbrella name: ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,” says professor Marina Danckaerts. There are three groups within it: • ADHD of the predominantly attention-deficit type: This is often referred to as ADD. This mainly concerns difficulty with concentration, both selective attention and … Read more

Walking for Health: The Benefits of Walking and Recommended Steps in Jakarta

Walking for Health: The Benefits of Walking and Recommended Steps in Jakarta

Jakarta – For some people, walking has become part of their daily activities. Even though it seems simple, walking can be a form of exercise. According to heart and blood vessel specialist, Dr Bayushi Eka Putra, SpJP, in principle, physical activity can have the same impact as exercise. As a result, exercise is only heavy … Read more

The Increasing Trend of Coffee Consumption after Meals

The Increasing Trend of Coffee Consumption after Meals

“Young people these days need coffee transfusions more than food.” (Current Affairs Cast, SISACAST = Reporter Jiyoung Kim) The number of office workers who eat a light lunch and drink coffee is increasing. [사진=픽사베이] Looking at the lunch hours of office workers these days, post-meal coffee is now an essential course, and the number of … Read more

Rice Prices Soar as Climate Change Threatens Global Food Supplies: Experts Warn

Rice Prices Soar as Climate Change Threatens Global Food Supplies: Experts Warn

The price of rice, at its highest level in 15 years following India’s restrictions on exports, previews how climate change will disrupt global food supplies, experts warn. Rice prices rose 9.8% in August, canceling out the declines in other basic products, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announced last week. The … Read more

The Deterioration of Youth Psychology: Understanding the Challenges and Impact on Mental Health

The Deterioration of Youth Psychology: Understanding the Challenges and Impact on Mental Health

Batoul Al-Sayed Ali In the recent period, the youth segment faces many different challenges in the professional and specialized fields, which leads them to negative results that appear adversely on their psychological health. What are the main reasons for the deterioration of youth psychology? The youth group nowadays lacks sufficient experience in facing life, which … Read more

Boosting Immune System with Herbs: Strengthening Your Body’s Natural Defense

Boosting Immune System with Herbs: Strengthening Your Body’s Natural Defense

Strengthen the immune system using herbs The immune system is considered the warrior that protects our body from viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. Therefore, it is important to improve and strengthen our immune system to effectively defend our health. Herbs that boost the immune system and improve overall health Cinnamon: It is rich in antioxidants … Read more

The Health Benefits of Fish Oil: Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Heart, Brain, and More

The Health Benefits of Fish Oil: Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Heart, Brain, and More

Jakarta – Omega-3 is said to be very good for the health of the body’s organs. These nutrients can be obtained from fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines. However, if you don’t consume fish, fish oil supplements could be a good alternative. Reported on the Medical News Today page, the American College … Read more