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Baja California gubernatorial candidates propose security plans – Telemundo San Diego (20)

TIJUANA- There are two months left for the elections in Mexico, where a new governor for Baja California will be elected, among others. And TELEMUNDO20 spoke with five of the seven candidates for this position and we questioned them to find out what they will do to solve the problem of violence in this state.

And the proposals are many, given the concern about homicide rates, which as of April 6, had already added 519 in Tijuana alone.

“With all the modern techniques that exist on the one hand and on the other, with all the support in terms of training for the police, which is what must in one way or another, provide us with security,” explained Jorge Hank, candidate for governor of Baja California for the Solidarity Encounter Party (PES), when questioned for its proposals to reduce violence.

The political campaigns for the elections of June 6, 2021 start

A problem that Marina del Pilar, candidate for MORENA in Baja California, assured that it required awareness also from childhood.

“We have to continue investing in social development programs in sports infrastructure, fields, units, let’s change bullets for balls,” said the candidate for MORENA in Baja California.

The proposals of the five candidates included improving the training of municipal and state police, as well as working with the United States to stop drug trafficking and even the operation of a new judicial body.

“There must be an investigation that is done in a timely manner, quickly to be able to solve the problems in the shortest possible time, cases continue to accumulate and nobody does anything,” said Lupita Jones, candidate for the Va por Baja Coalition. California”.

In the absence of a healthy distance, the risk of contagion increases

A fact that Carlos Atilano, candidate for the Baja California party (PBC), also highlighted in the face of the deficiency of operations by other investigative groups in the state.

“We are going to separate the public security secretariat from the state attorney general’s office because we cannot be the only state that lacks a citizen public security secretariat,” said the candidate for the PBC.

While the reality is that homicides exceed thousands per year, only in the city of Tijuana.

“High-impact crimes in Baja California are a real shame, I think this puts us in a very sad position at the national level,” said Francisco Alcibíades, candidate for governor of Baja California for the Citizen Movement party.

And the candidate for the progressive social media party, Victoria Bentley, also pointed out the need for change.

“You have to purge the police corporations and you have to work in a coordinated manner,” Bentley said at his press conference on Wednesday.

TELEMUNDO 20 asked the candidates what they considered this government had done wrong and although some assured, they made an effort.

“I believe that the current government is facing a challenge that for many years remained in neglect of the security issue and this was increasing, however today we see that the security tables are working,” said candidate for MORENA in Baja California , the same party that currently governs the state.

And four of the seven candidates said they saw no results for the community.

“It is a total and absolute lie because they have not cared, the crime rates and crimes and crimes as they have grown from 2019 to here in the state is true, you do not give credit,” said Jones.

Therefore, the five candidates with whom TELEMUNDO 20 was able to speak, assured that they will fight drug trafficking if elected, an issue for which the current governor of Baja California, Jaime Bonilla, recently accused Hank of being the alleged leader of one of the cartels, which the authorities assure are part of the main generators of violence in the region. And TELEMUNDO 20, asked the candidate if this was true.

“Obviously it’s a lie and not for telling him a poor liar if he’s really crazy, but if he has any proof, I’m here and let him come and get me and order me to stop,” Hank assured.

The candidates said they will continue to seek mostly better social security plans for the police, who for years have had no better opportunities in this area and few benefits.

TELEMUNDO20, contacted the candidate Jorge Ojeda to know part of his proposals on violence, but we did not receive a response from him, to know the details of his strategy.

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