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Five Fruits Contain Calories

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Waspada.co.id – Not all fruits can make a weight loss program successful, some fruits are known to contain high calories.

Many people turn to fruit consumption when they want to lose weight.

In fact, instead of losing, some fruits in this group can actually increase your weight. Here are some high-calorie fruits that can ruin your diet.

1. Avocado

With its high calorie content and healthy fats, avocado is more suitable as a fruit to gain weight.
Half a medium avocado (100 grams) contains the following nutrients:
calories: 161
protein: 2 gram
fat: 15 grams
carbohydrates: 8.6 grams
fiber: 7 grams
vitamin K: 17.5 percent of the daily requirement
folate: 21 percent of the daily requirement
In addition, avocados are also rich in other micronutrients such as potassium, vitamins K, C, B5, and B6.

2. Bananas

Instead of reducing, consuming bananas can actually increase your weight. Bananas are a good source of carbohydrates and calories.
One medium banana (118 grams) contains the following nutrients:
calories: 105
protein: 1 gram
fat: 0.4 grams
carbohydrates: 27 grams
fiber: 3 grams
vitamin B6: 26 percent of the daily requirement
manganese: 13 percent of the daily requirement

3. Mango

Like everything else, mangoes are a good source of calories. Most of the calories in mangoes come from their high carbohydrate content.
One serving of mango (165 grams) contains the following nutrients:
calories: 99
protein: 1,4 gram
fat: 0.6 grams
carbohydrates: 25 grams
fiber: 3 grams
vitamin C: 67 percent of the daily requirement
folate: 18 percent of the daily requirement
In addition, mangoes are also a good source of copper, vitamins B, A, and E.

4. Coconut meat

Coconut is one of the most popular fruits because it is rich in health benefits. Coconut is also one of the best sources of calories because it is high in fat and carbohydrates.
One serving of coconut meat (28 grams) contains the following nutrients:
calories: 99
protein: 1 gram
fat: 9.4 grams
carbohydrates: 4.3 grams
fiber: 2.5 grams
manganese: 17 percent of the daily requirement
selenium: 5 percent of the daily requirement
Coconut meat is also rich in many important minerals such as phosphorus and copper.

5. Installing

Dates are a fruit that grows in tropical areas. This fruit is usually consumed in dry form.
One serving of dates (24 grams) contains the following nutrients:
calories: 66.5
protein: 4 gram
fat: 0.1 grams
carbohydrates: 18 grams
fiber: 1.6 grams
potassium: 4 percent of the daily requirement
magnesium: 3 percent of the daily requirement
Dates also contain good copper, manganese, iron and vitamin B5. (wol / cnnindo / man / data3)

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