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6 Ways to Overcome Your Own Leucorrhoea at Home with Natural Materials, Easy to Do

White discharge illustration. © 2017 breaktime.co.id

Merdeka.com – Leucorrhoea is a natural thing that happens to women. The glands in your vagina and cervix produce small amounts of fluid. This fluid flows out of the vagina every day, carrying old cells that have coated the vagina. This is your body’s way of keeping your vagina healthy and clean.

The discharge is usually clear or milky and has no smell. The color and thickness of the discharge changes with your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you ovulate (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when you are breastfeeding, or when you are sexually excited.

However, there are certain types of vaginal discharge that can indicate infection. Abnormal vaginal discharge may be yellow or green in color, thick in consistency, or have an unpleasant odor.
Yeast or bacterial infections usually cause abnormal vaginal discharge. If you notice a discharge that looks unusual or smells foul, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Here’s how to fix it vaginal discharge if it’s too much you can do at home.

How to Overcome Leucorrhoea with Natural Ingredients


The first way to deal with vaginal discharge is by using turmeric. The content of anti-bacterial substances in turmeric can help get rid of stubborn vaginal discharge. You only need to drink the grated turmeric juice every day. More details like this:

  • Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice
  • Grate turmeric
  • Squeeze the juice by adding water
  • Add 1 tablespoon honey

Drink 2 times a day. Routinely drink turmeric juice every day so that vaginal discharge can be resolved immediately.

Seed fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds may still sound familiar to your ears. Fenugreek seeds come from a plant with the same name, namely fenugreek or it can also be called klabet. Fenugreek seeds can help increase the pH count in your vagina. How to deal with excess vaginal discharge you can use these seeds.

You do this by soaking 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in warm water all day long. Then filter the water then drink. Drink fenugreek seed water regularly every day before breakfast.

Garlic has been a hereditary herbal recipe because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Regular consumption of garlic can even inhibit bacteria from entering your female area.

You can consume garlic in any way as long as it is routine and regular. That’s how to get rid of vaginal discharge with garlic.

Betel leaf

How to deal with vaginal discharge, it turns out that you can use betel leaf is also well known. The proof is that many miss V cleaning products use betel extract.

Substances in betel leaf are also antibacterial and antifungal. The method is easy. You only need to boil a few betel leaves with 2 cups of water. Wait until the water just stays after. Drink boiled betel leaf water every day.

Sambiloto leaves

Sambiloto leaves can also be a way to deal with vaginal discharge naturally. The method is the same as consuming betel leaf. By boiling bitter leaf with water then drinking it.


Garlic has been a hereditary herbal recipe because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Regular consumption of garlic can even inhibit bacteria from entering your female area. You can consume garlic in any way as long as it is routine and regular. That’s how to deal with vaginal discharge with garlic.

Other home treatments

To prevent infection, practice good hygiene and wear breathable clothing cotton underwear. Do not use douche because it can exacerbate excretion by eliminating useful bacteria. Also, practice safe sex and use protection to avoid IMS.

To reduce the chance of a yeast infection while taking antibiotics, eat yoghurt containing live and active cultures. If you know you have a yeast infection, you can also treat it with over-the-counter drugs yeast infection creams or suppositories according to healthline.

Can vaginal discharge be prevented or avoided?

There is no need to prevent normal vaginal discharge. However, its vaginal discharge abnormal can be prevented by following the following tips quoted from Family Doctor.

  • After using the toilet, always wipe from front to back. This can help prevent bacteria from entering the rectal area into the vagina.
  • Wear cotton underwear during the day. Cotton allows your genital area to “breathe”. Don’t wear underwear at night.
  • Avoid wearing tights, pantyhose, swimwear, cycling shorts, or leotards for extended periods of time.
  • Change the detergent or fabric softener if you think it might irritate your genital area.
  • The latex in condoms and diaphragms and sperm-killing gels used for birth control can be irritating for some women. If you think any of these things are a problem for you, talk to your doctor about other types of contraception.
  • Avoid hot tubs.
  • Take a shower or bath every day and pat your genitals dry.
  • Don’t douche.
  • Avoid women’s hygiene sprays, colored or scented toilet paper, deodorant pads or tampons, and bubble baths.

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