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[전립선 방광살리기] Another stomach disease that afflicts women with “malignant constipation” cystitis

[일중한의원 손기정 원장] One of the cornerstones of staying healthy is to eat right and facilitate the excretion of urine and feces. If this circulatory function is disrupted, general health is also threatened.

One of the representative cases is malignant constipation in women with cystitis. Although it appears that cystitis and constipation are unrelated, women patients with chronic cystitis in the current clinic often suffer from severe constipation. The older you get, the worse it gets, so you need to treat cystitis and constipation together.

Ki-Jeong Son, Director of the Japanese-Chinese Oriental Clinic

Women with bladder disease develop a habit, not a habit, of avoiding drinking water as much as possible because they cannot urinate properly. Perhaps it can be seen that drinking water is avoided and tolerated to reduce even a little the extreme urinary discomfort caused by cystitis. If you reduce the amount of water and food in this way, the rectal stool collection time is lengthened and bowel movement also slows down, resulting in constipation and hardening of stool in the large intestine. Also, if hardened stool accumulates in the rectum and is suddenly excreted, it can damage the anus and cause anal diseases such as hemorrhoids. This is the same for the elderly.Constipation is a disease that is difficult to discharge because the stool remains in the intestine for a long time due to a malfunction of the conduction function of the large intestine and the excessive absorption of water causes the hardening of deterioration. To put it simply, the frequency of defecation is less than 2 times a week, when excessive force is required during defecation, when the stool is too hard and when you feel like you are not feeling refreshed after defecation. If one or more of these apply, you may be constipated.

In oriental medicine, constipation is divided into Sil and Heojeung. In positive constipation, heat and qi do not circulate, so the lymph becomes insufficient and the feces remain in the intestine for a long time and become difficult to discharge. In this case, if you take mazain and rhubarb pills, you can lower the fever and see the stool softly. In ischemic constipation, the conduction function of the large intestine is weakened due to a lack of qi and blood, making it difficult to excrete stool. I don’t always have energy and my complexion is not good, but if you use Hwanggi-tang, Angelica, or Mazain, etc. and moisten and soften the intestinal mucosa, it will be easier to have a bowel movement. Malignant constipation in the elderly can be effective by making tea or pills from a herbal medicine called Yuukjongyong, called desert ginseng.

Women suffering from chronic cystitis, interstitial cystitis, or an overactive bladder should be treated with proven herbal medicines to improve inflammation and urinary symptoms. If women with cystitis pass stool normally, anal diseases such as hemorrhoids and teething can be prevented and anal pain and muscle spasms around the pelvis can be prevented. This is essential not only for constipation but also for overall health.

Water intake and exercise are important behavioral tips for resolving constipation. Water increases the amount of stool, activates the bowel movement and softens the stool so that it is easily discharged. Jujube, green kiwifruit, prunes, pears and peeled apples, etc., increase the intake of foods rich in fiber, however caution is needed as excessive consumption of fruit can cause bloating due to gas formation. In addition, unripe fruits (persimmons, bananas, pomegranates, grapes, etc.) containing many tannins (astringent flavor) should be avoided as they can cause constipation by lowering intestinal secretion through the contraction of the intestinal mucosa. If you are constipated, it is best to cut back on meat and eat fish. Beverages containing caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate the intestines and negatively affect both constipation and bladder disease.

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