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“We want to start a family”: a platform for those who want a child

What are the main treatments for infertility like? What is the best time to conceive? What is in vitro fertilization? These and many other questions find their answer on the platform? We want to form a family?, Which was launched in 2020 in our country and which fundamentally guides on the first steps that must be taken in the search for fertility and on the path of form a family.

It is a digital initiative that has the website www.queremosformarunafamilia.ar and profiles on Facebook (We want to form a family) and Instagram (@ We want to form a family). It offers reliable information written in an accessible language with the aim of accompanying those who are about to travel or are already on the road to having a child. It is an initiative of Merck, a leading science and technology company.

In the opinion of Gisela de Antón, President of the Concebir Civil Association, ?? It is excellent news to know that we have serious and reliable information, backed by experts, interactive, that helps to clear up doubts and accompany all those people who are on the road to having a child in the process ??.

For her part, Ana Claudia Ceballos García, vice president of Concebir, highlighted the usefulness of the initiative’s contents:? We found a? Fertility calculator? which invites us to complete some data to estimate what may be the best time to conceive. All in plain and friendly language ??.

For the World Health Organization (WHO), infertility is a disease of the reproductive system and defines it as the inability to achieve a clinical pregnancy after at least 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It affects 1 in 6 couples1 and, although it depends on many factors, it is reliably known that the woman’s age is a key element, since fertility decreases at an older age.2

It is estimated that 4 out of 10 people who come to the consultation for fertility problems present the combination of a female disorder with a male factor, which warrants that -in the cases of heterosexual couples- the infertility approach is initially analyzed in together, including both men and women and the interrelationships of the couple.1

In this sense, the platform, both on its website and through its social networks, offers detailed information that will help people come to the consultation with more and better information and will facilitate interactions with their doctors throughout the process.

With the launch of “We Want to Start a Family,” Merck makes available validated and reliable information that helps people clear up doubts and reduce anxiety. Does he intend to accompany those who want to have a child ??, said Dr. Aria Assefi, Medical Manager of the Fertility and Endocrinology Area of ​​Merck.

In Argentina, it is estimated that some 21,000 highly complex assisted fertilization procedures are performed each year, to which we must add low complexity treatments. This makes Argentina the first country in all of Latin America according to the number of cycles per million inhabitants ?? 535 cycles per million inhabitants ??.[2] Low complexity treatments include: artificial insemination, ovulation stimulation, and scheduled intercourse. While among those of high complexity, the most frequent are in vitro fertilization (IVF), in which the embryo is generated in the laboratory and then implanted in the uterus, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), in the a sperm is injected into the egg.

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