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Understanding the Impact of Menopausal Symptoms: A Comprehensive Look at the Short-Term and Long-Term Effects in both Men and Women


Menopausal symptoms, the hormones in the body of both women and men whose age starts with the number 4 to 59 years will begin to show symptoms. Check out menopausal symptoms that occur both short-term and long-term. and long-term in women and men It’s not just hot flashes. or insomnia but affects the cardiovascular system with osteoporosis Behavior modification, diet, exercise, no stress, taking care of the body and mind regularly. prolong adult life quality aging

When entering the age of 40, many women and men begin to haveHot food flashes, insomnia, exhaustion. which everyone may see themselves as a disease or what happened to yourself Which those symptoms … may be ‘golden age’ Each person, each sex may have different symptoms.

‘menopausal in womenormenopause Refers to women aged 40-59 years whose estrogen levels decrease due to ovarian failure. which causes permanent termination of menstruation along with subsequent physiological changes, divided into 3 phases:

1. Premenopausal period (perimenopause)

It is the beginning of menopause, causing women to have irregular menstruation. along with physical symptoms such as hot flashes, dizziness, fatigue, mood swings This phase will take about 2-3 years.

2. Menopause (menopause)

It is a period that has started since menopause for 1 year.

3. Post-menopausal period (postmenopause)

It is a period that starts after 1 year after menopause, which will cause changes such as narrowing of the vagina, osteoporosis, and complications of various diseases easily.

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What kind of symptoms? fall into the category of ‘menopausal women

menopausal symptoms It is divided into both short-term and long-term symptoms as follows.

short term symptoms

Irregular menstruation come together or are very far from each other Some people may have abnormal bleeding. hot flashes From fluctuations in hormonal levels, the body’s temperature regulation is abnormal. There will be a lot of symptoms in the first 2-3 years after menopause and will gradually decrease in 1-2 years, insomnia as a result of hot flashes. moody Easy anxiety, vaginal dryness from declining estrogen levels It causes problems in sexual intercourse, itching, inflammation of the vagina, uterus, and vaginal prolapse. decreased sex drive less chance of having children from unstable ovulation and permanently unable to have children After 1 year of missed menstruation, the skin shrivels. Lack of elasticity, scars and freckles easily

long-term symptoms

cardiovascular system after menopause The body will have a greater risk of coronary artery disease. due to lack of estrogen Because estrogen plays an important role in reducing bad cholesterol, LDL, osteoporosis, lack of estrogen during menopause will increase bone destruction by up to 5 percent per year, leading to bone disease. subsequently prune Especially around the spine, wrist and hip bones, etc. Problems of the urinary tract. As a result of the lower vertebral column, the urethral mucosa becomes thinner. and bladder prolapse causing a burning sensation while urinating and have symptoms of urinary incontinence gaining weight and starting to get fat The effect of reducing estrogen levels has an effect on the metabolic system. Causing more fat accumulation around the abdomen

Check for menopausal symptoms

while men enter golden age Due to the nature of testosterone, testosterone affects various systems in the body, whetherFat burning system (Metabolism) male muscle building bone structure strength, etc.

Therefore, when the testosterone hormone begins to decrease between the ages of 42 – 45 years old, it results in physical changes such as belly fat, easy obesity, hair loss, and decreased sexual desire. including the risk of developing diabetes High blood pressure, etc. These symptoms may affect the mind and lifestyle if unable to adapt.

Each man has different symptoms of menopause. which can observe symptoms as follows

Mood swings, easily bored, easily irritated, stomach upset, insomnia, fatigue, decreased concentration, depression, erectile dysfunction, etc.

Treatment of menopausal symptoms that you should know

1. Hot flashes

Identify and remember the triggers for your hot flashes and avoid them. Avoid being in places or exposing yourself to very hot weather. Avoid spicy foods, hot foods, beverages that contain blood vessel dilation agents such as caffeine and alcohol. Eat foods rich in vitamin E and B complex, as well as supplements of these substances. Refrain from smoking. Relax your mind. and avoid stress Because stress has the effect of increasing body temperature.

2. Dry vagina and frequent urination

Use a lubricant such as KY Jelly, etc. Apply estrogen cream to stimulate more blood to nourish the vagina. Let it go naturally during sex. To help stimulate good blood circulation in the vagina. and make the vagina more flexible

3. Insomnia and mood swings

Use of antidepressants such as SSRIs, as well as recreational activities to relieve stress. and make the mind clear

4. Osteoporosis

Avoid exercise or strenuous work. Eat foods that contain calcium. and high vitamin D use of hormonal supplements But may increase the risk of cancer more.

5. Hair loss

taking estrogen hormones to inhibit the production of dihydrotestosterone that causes hair roots to weaken Wash your hair regularly to get rid of it. And prevent bacteria that can cause damage to the hair roots and scalp, including using shampoo that contains substances that stimulate regeneration or substances that help nourish the hair

Behavioral adjustments to prolong youth for a long time

Guidelines for taking care of yourself for men to cope with menopause is not difficult.

Just open your mind and be ready to change your lifestyle in various areas, including:

Food Avoid sweet foods.

Focus on eating foods that help boost male hormones, such as green leafy vegetables, beans, egg yolks, watermelon or oysters (those with high cholesterol must be careful. Should consult a doctor and choose to eat according to the body)


Emphasize on sports that help build large muscles, such as cycling, squash, etc.

The mind is positive and knows how to manage stress.

The important thing that helps to heal the mind very well is encouragement and understanding from family members

Get to know each person’s body

Hormones are natural chemicals that the various endocrine glands act on. produced in the body when still in youth Your hormones will be overflowing. which gives women a beautiful, bright skin cheerful mood As for men, they will have strong muscles. full of strength But over time, combined with increasing age It makes the production of various hormones. of the endocrine glands are reduced and ultimately affect health.

function of hormones

Normally, hormones are responsible for regulating the functions of various organs in the body such as

Growth Hormone produced by the pituitary gland Will help in the growth of childhood. And help repair the wear and tear of the body in adulthood. Thyroid hormone (Thyroid Hormone) produced by the thyroid gland. will help take care of the metabolic system If thyroid hormones are low will become obese easily, slow, but can’t blame obesity caused by hormonal abnormalities alone because as long as you still eat the same amount of food but do not exercise at all When you get older, you can easily get fatter.

endocrine and sex hormones

an endocrine gland that helps regulate body functions There are two distinct gender divisions:

in female

The ovaries produce the female hormones Estrogen and Progesterone, which help with the menstrual cycle. pregnancy or childbirth The condition of the skin, firmness, moisture, and also helps control the subject of emotions so that it does not fluctuate easily. Feel refreshed, energetic, not exhausted, able to cope with stress well, have a good memory, sleep soundly, help build immunity prevent heart disease and prevent osteoporosis

in the male part

The endocrine gland that produces testosterone is the testes. Muscular, gruff voice, decisive. have leadership like competition, good memory, mood swings and cause sexual desire for the survival of the species

Signs and symptoms that indicate hormone levels in the body are impaired.

There will be symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness, blurred memory, lack of concentration, lack of sexual drive. Deterioration or decrease in sexual performance, back pain, joint pain, lack of energy, decreased energy, depression, depression, discouragement for life Irritability, irritability, panic, anxiety, high stress

in women

The symptoms are quite obvious and easier to notice, such as menstruation that does not come consecutively for at least 12 months, which is called menopausal symptoms. or menopause, causing hot flashes, sweating, sluggishness, lack of vitality, depressed mood, depression, irritability, irritability, stress, anxiety, blurred memory or lack of concentration, headache, sagging breasts The sexual response is unsatisfactory. Lack of moisture in the vagina hair and skin health balance And the worst thing is will have osteoporosis

How to fix when hormones are out of balance?

from the aforementioned symptoms in both women and men Hormone replacement therapy can bring your body functions back to the way they did when they were young, such as better memory. thicker bone mass However, this must be under the supervision of a specialized physician. And not everyone can take hormone replacement therapy.

Hormone replacement during menopause

women duringgolden ageThere will be a decrease in estrogen levels. cause various symptoms to follow Nowadays, some groups of women are turning to hormone replacement therapy to reduce problems from physical changes. and on the emotional side Including helping to prevent the risk of various diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, etc.

Hormone replacement that is used in menopause is Estrogen (Estrogen) that the body lacks, in addition, other substances are used that act similar to estrogen or progesterone hormones

Hormone use patterns

By taking pills, the level of good fats is increased. But it will cause unstable hormones in the blood from the liver to be destroyed by injection. The drug will not pass through the liver. and the level of good fat will not increase like the kind eaten use of cover (estrogen-filled patch) by covering the arms or buttocks. can be used for several days Hormone Implantation This method will cause the hormone in the blood to be 2-3 times higher than normal. Hormone cream applied to the skin. Vaginal hormonal cream which is suitable for people with vaginal dryness

hormone replacement benefits

prevent osteoporosis prevent heart disease Reduce menopausal symptoms Reduce symptoms of hot flashes. Reduce vaginal dryness and itching, make the vagina firm, not dry, reduce urinary incontinence. used to treat hot flashes used to reduce mood swings and can’t sleep used to prevent heart disease Dementia, colon cancer and reduce complications from diabetes.

who should be avoided

People with a history of breast cancer and uterine cancer people with liver disease People who have blood clots on their feet Those who have irregular menstruation without knowing the cause

side effects of hormone use

Increase the risk of uterine cancer, breast cancer, especially those who use high doses. And used continuously for 10-15 years, which hormone replacement should not be used for more than 5 years, there is a chance of gallstones in the gallbladder especially for oral use To prevent such diseases, it should be used as a closed type or a topical type.

Recommendations for the use of hormones

For topical estrogens, apply 1 g/time a day, apply to the front, legs or arms and can apply other lotions as usual. Avoid applying to the chest, abdomen and genitals as these areas are close to the internal organs. The drug may be absorbed into the internal organs through the mammary glands.

However, in addition to self-care Seeing a doctor is essential. without having to wait for illness or enter menopause We can consult with your doctor to plan your care. And maintain health while we can still have good health. This is a golden opportunity for us to truly know our own body. In order to adjust the behavior of life to suit each age range. will have good health for a long time until old age

refer:Bangkok Hospital Phuket , Paolo Hospital ,Bangkok Hospital

2023-08-14 03:24:00

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