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Trump settles in a bubble with extreme protection measures to avoid getting the coronavirus

United States President Donald Trump, 74 years old, has radically increased protection measures to avoid getting the coronavirus, despite rejecting basic precautions such as the use of a mask or temperature control due to an image issue, according to sources close to CNN. .

The White House sends health and safety teams to each place that Trump will visit, each bathroom that can be used by the President is thoroughly scrubbed and disinfected and strict control and registration is carried out of anyone who may have direct contact with the president. .

These people and presidential staff are subjected to coronavirus testing that have served to detect cases among volunteers and workers of the reelection campaign Trump, but also among members of the Secret Service, in charge of presidential security. This occurs when the country has reached unprecedented levels of contagion, with 45,000 positives in a single day and eleven states that have halted the reopening measures.

These precautionary measures even include modifying the official agenda. Thus, the meeting of the government commission on the coronavirus has moved from the White House to the Department of Health without much explanation. In fact, Trump himself has not attended the appointment.

He has also canceled a trip scheduled for this weekend to play golf in New Jersey. “The president is not going to travel to Bedminster, New Jersey,” the White House reported Friday.

The president himself has directly stated to his collaborators that he cannot get sick and his anger was enormous when he learned that one of the military in charge of his food and drink had been infected, reports CNN.

Trump asked how it was possible that a person with such close contact with him could contract the new disease and for days was suspicious of people he did not know well, an attitude that adds to his recognized phobia of germs, an obsession manifested before even from the pandemic.

This attitude contrasts with Trump’s public interventions, in which he affirms that the virus is “fading” and “leaving”, although his public communication focuses more on defending the statues and monuments that are the target of criticism than on the pandemic.

“In the future, historians will wonder why the president lost ground during a pandemic and amid widespread unrest. Both crises should have highlighted his strengths. They were perfect opportunities for him,” Fox News presenter said last Thursday. Tucker Carlson, a habitual defender of the president, referring to polls that reveal misgivings about the management of the health crisis and racial protests by Trump.

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