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Trump consultant Birx – far from clarity about origin

Measures to contain the corona pandemic are being taken worldwide – including in the United States. As far as the origin of the virus is concerned, the president’s adviser still sees a need for clarification.

In the debate about the exact origin of the Corona virus sees the advisor to the US President Donald Trump, the doctor Deborah Birx, final clarity in the far distance. “Every time we have a new virus, it’s important to find out where it came from, and I think we’re still a long way from finding it,” Birx told CBS.

You just know that the novel virus is out China come from – where exactly is unclear. “I have no evidence that it was an accident in a laboratory,” said Birx. There is currently a general consensus that the virus has spread from an animal to humans.

737,000 coronavirus infections in the United States

The corona pandemic has hit the central Chinese city Wuhan began. Experts believe that it comes from bats and that it could have jumped onto humans either directly or via another animal as a host.

In the USA there are reports citing American intelligence that the virus may come from a research laboratory in China. According to the virus in the institute for virology in Wuhan was accidentally brought into the city by an employee, what the Head of the institute already rejected.

Trump had China on Saturday for worldwide distribution blamed and threatened with consequences. It was crucial whether a mistake was made that was out of control or an intention behind it, Trump said.

According to Johns Hopkins University, there have been over 737,000 in the United States Infections detected with the corona virus. Almost 40,000 people died after one infection. Trump said at his daily press conference on Saturday night, “On a per capita basis, our mortality rate is far lower than that of other nations in Western Europe, with the possible exception of Germany.”

As examples, he named Great Britain, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and France. Birx presented a graph according to which the mortality rate in the USA is 11.24 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. This figure is 5.25 in Germany, 20.14 in the Netherlands and 45.2 in Belgium.

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