Home » today » Health » The health department of Xàtiva-Ontinyent begins vaccination against influenza and covid for the entire population between 12 and 59 years old

The health department of Xàtiva-Ontinyent begins vaccination against influenza and covid for the entire population between 12 and 59 years old

Stock image of a healthcare worker administering a vaccine.
Eduardo Briones – Europa Press – Archive

From 2 January, vaccination against covid19 and the flu is open to the entire population aged 12 to 59. Sources from the Department of Health of Xàtiva-Ontinyent point out that it is the third in the whole of the Valencian Community by percentage of coverage of the flu vaccine in people over 60 years of age. The department has 69.50% of people vaccinated, the department with the highest percentage is the one with 70% and the one with the lowest coverage 53% of its population. For basic health areas, the municipalities of Alcúdia de Crespons, Llutxent. Llosa de Ranes, La Pobla Llarga, L’Olleria, Bocairent, Enguera, Moixent and Cárcer exceed the average of the Department in vaccination coverage (69.50%) being the population of L’Alcudia de Crespins with 78.6% the most highest immunization coverage I have ever had.


For this reason, the DSXO advises those who have not shown up for the appointment for the flu vaccination and the memory dose (or fourth dose) against covid19 to request an appointment immediately to be vaccinated. It is very important to protect yourself from these diseases which can cause serious complications and even death. “Vaccination reduces the risk of infections and complications that the epidemiology area warns that with the drop in temperatures there could be a greater increase in the incidence of both influenza and covid19“, they exhibit.

This increase usually triggers a saturation of medical services and therefore reduces the possibility of having services available if we need them for any other reason. For this reason, Healthcare insists on the recommendation to get vaccinated and to “approach the shoulder again” to fight these infections. To access the vaccination, even if this phase has already been completed by appointment for people at risk and over 60 years of age, it is possible to make an appointment at your health center or your doctor’s office. In addition, from January 2, the Department of Xàtiva-Ontinyent opens vaccination to practically the entire population, all people aged between 12 and 59 will be able to request vaccination against both covid and flu.

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