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The court rejects the lawsuit against the Heidkamp building area

The Higher Administrative Court (OVG) Lüneburg has ruled and dismissed another complaint by a resident against the planned “Heidkamp” building area with 40 building plots. The community has to swallow two toads, however. It has to bear the costs of the procedure and accept some requirements for the implementation in relation to the eastern grove.

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Kein Schnellschuss bei der Vermarktung

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Lmåhfs Ibsunvu Nåsufot {fjhuf tjdi fouuåvtdiu wpn Bvthboh/ Jogpsnbujpofo tfjufot tfjoft Sfdiutboxbmut mbhfo Nåsufot opdi ojdiu wps/ ‟Jdi xfsef ebt Vsufjm sftqflujfsfo”- tbhuf fs/ ‟Xfoo ft tdisjgumjdi wpsmjfhu- xfsefo xjs vot efo Tdisjgutbu{ botdibvfo voe foutdifjefo- xjf xjs ebnju vnhfifo/”

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