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Tesla’s Battle with Unions in Northern Europe and the Shift in Approach

The American manufacturer of electric cars in northern Europe encountered stiff resistance from the unions there. At the same time, the management of Tesla, led by Elon Musk, usually makes a quick process with them. Now, however, resistance seems to be easing.

Europe is not America. Lately, for example, Elon Musk has recognized this, or the Tesla car company, which is fighting a tough battle with unions in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland. The situation even escalated to the point where other workers from different fields joined their colleagues at Tesla, who are eager to establish their own trade union within the car company.

For example, Norwegian dock workers refuse to accept Teslas from cargo ships as part of solidarity, while Swedish postmen do not deliver license plates to new owners of electric Teslas. And the garbage collectors, in turn, refuse to take away the garbage from the car showrooms of the American car manufacturer. At the same time, Tesla is not used to such international opposition. After all, we already wrote about it in the past weeks.

Now, however, Tesla’s tough approach seems to be softening. On its official career pages, a position is published with the title Public Policy and Business Development Manager, Nordics, which in indirect translation means that Americans are looking for a person who would help them understand regulatory and legislative matters in the Nordic labor markets. Requirements include, among other things, at least five years of relevant experience, experience with Nordic regulations, at least a bachelor’s degree and excellent communication skills. The place of operation will be in Segeltorp in the southwest of Stockholm.

The whole problem started in October this year, when the Swedish trade union IF Metall disagreed with Tesla’s rejection of a collective agreement for its 120 employees. While this type of employment contract is common in Sweden, the American automaker does not agree with it. They say it’s against their principles. However, with the development of Tesla’s production, dealer and service network in Europe, Americans will have to deal with similar problems more often. The local labor law in many respects has a significantly higher level of employee protection and work bonuses that their American (not to mention the Chinese) colleagues can only dream of.

2023-12-20 16:51:00
#Tesla #Nordic #unions #Elon #Musk #win #war #expert

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