Cars destroyed by hail: this policy saves you from the beating

The storm that hit some areas of the Milanese area causing extensive damage to parked cars has highlighted a problem that is often underestimated by motorists; the possible consequences of a sudden hailstorm. A risk that, according to the analysis carried out by out of a sample of over 700,000 estimates, it seems to … Read more

Electric cars: what are the charging costs

As we all know, today zero-emission mobility is gaining traction in Italy and around the world, with every car manufacturer offering new electric models on the market; the goal is to reduce polluting emissions, as well as to save on consumption. Consumers today, however, are still not entirely convinced of the convenience of electric vehicles. … Read more

Electric scooters for the elderly and disabled: legislation and approval

3 December 2020 Electric scooters for the elderly and disabled are means used as an aid by those who have motor difficulties. Before choosing the right vehicle, there are different aspects to consider and evaluate such as the battery life, where it is possible to circulate, if you need a driving license and insurance and … Read more