Security personnel begin warning strikes at airports

Security personnel begin warning strikes at airports

The first warning strikes by security personnel have begun at Cologne/Bonn Airport. According to the Verdi union, the work stoppages are to be extended nationwide on Monday. Passengers at several German airports must expect flight cancellations and delays on Monday. The Verdi union has called on security forces in passenger control at several German airports … Read more

Facebook founder buys more land in Hawaii

Facebook founder buys more land in Hawaii

Facebook founder Mark Zuckeberg has increased his property in Hawaii by approximately 44 acres. For this he put $ 17 million on the table. There have already been several criticisms from locals. Facebook-Founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla, added 45 acres to their Hawaii property. For this, the couple spent 17 million US dollars … Read more

Consumer advocates demand compensation for high gasoline costs

Consumer advocates demand compensation for high gasoline costs

Because of the high energy prices, consumer advocates are now calling for relief for the citizens. One suggestion is income-related pay. In addition, gas barriers would have to be suspended. Germany’s top consumer advocate has spoken out in favor of relieving the burden on consumers with the high gasoline and diesel prices. “With a view … Read more

New York Pizza wants to conquer Germany

New York Pizza wants to conquer Germany

The corona pandemic has led to a delivery boom. The Dutch brand New York Pizza wants to use this now – and stir up the market for pizza deliveries on a large scale. In the t-online interview, CEO Karsten Freilang explains his strategy. Whether in the restaurant, on vacation in Italy or from the freezer: … Read more

New York Pizza is entering the German market

New York Pizza is entering the German market

The corona pandemic has led to a delivery boom. The Dutch brand New York Pizza wants to use this now – and stir up the market for pizza deliveries on a large scale. In the t-online interview, CEO Karsten Freilang explains his strategy. Whether in the restaurant, on vacation in Italy or from the freezer: … Read more

According to the Cartel Office, these Real branches can be taken over

According to the Cartel Office, these Real branches can be taken over

The sale at Real continues: Actually, competitor Edeka wanted to take over up to 72 locations of the department store chain. The cartel office had concerns about some branches. Because of the resistance of the Federal Cartel Office, the grocer Edeka has to make significant cuts in its plans to take over up to 72 … Read more

These locations are scheduled to close in 2021 – great overview

These locations are scheduled to close in 2021 – great overview

So far, only eight Real branches have been determined that the Russian investor SCP wanted to close this year. It is now clear: there are significantly more. Clear cut at Real: The owner of the department store group, the Russian investor SCP, closes ten additional branches. The company announced. Accordingly, there is no longer any … Read more

Amazon drivers have to urinate in bottles – company apologizes

Amazon drivers have to urinate in bottles – company apologizes

First the company denied it, now it admits: Amazon couriers are forced to pee in bottles during their shifts. That is an industry-wide problem. Actually, the US MP Mark Pocan wanted to attack Amazon for the retail group making it difficult to form works councils. But he got attention for another part of his criticism: … Read more

These branches should close – great overview

These branches should close – great overview

At Douglas, a renovation is on the way: The perfumery chain relies on online business – and wants to close many branches. These businesses are affected. The Douglas perfumery chain is renovating – and closing 500 of its 2,400 branches across Europe, the majority of them in southern Europe. The company announced this at the … Read more

Ex-board member Jan Marsalek deceived auditors with actors

Ex-board member Jan Marsalek deceived auditors with actors

The business crime at the insolvent Wirecard group goes into the next round: Apparently the ex-board member Jan Marsalek hired actors who are said to have deceived the auditors. It’s about a billion dollar sum. The entanglements of the former Wirecard– Board member Jan Marsalek apparently go much further than previously known. He is even … Read more