Pharmacist Warns Brits: Don’t Ignore Insect Bites on Your Skin

Pharmacist Warns Brits: Don’t Ignore Insect Bites on Your Skin

Pharmacist George Sandhu warns Brits about the dangers of insect bites on the skin Reactions to insect bites can lead to serious health conditions A pharmacist has warned Brits not to overlook insect bites as the summer season approaches, as a bad reaction could prove life-threatening. From subtle discolouration to a change in texture or … Read more

2024 Meteor Rain Schedule: Quadrantid to Ursid, When and How to Watch

2024 Meteor Rain Schedule: Quadrantid to Ursid, When and How to Watch

CNN Indonesia Thursday, 11 Jan 2024 17:04 IWST Illustration. BRIN revealed the list of meteor showers this year. (AFP PHOTO/ JORGE GUERRERO) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — A number of phenomena meteor Rain will decorate Earth’s night sky on 2024. When does that happen? Meteor showers occur when meteoroid sky objects burn up when they enter … Read more

Get Rich with Just 500 Riyals: The Power of Cumulative Return Revealed on Saudi Street

Get Rich with Just 500 Riyals: The Power of Cumulative Return Revealed on Saudi Street

Al-Marsad newspaper: The presenter of the “Saudi Street” program, Salah Al-Ghaidan, revealed how a person gets one million riyals by saving only 500 riyals from his salary. He said during the episode of the program broadcast today on the “Saudi Arabia” channel: “Einstein says that if there are seven wonders of the world, then the … Read more

Mammooka: The Unforgettable Hero in ‘Hitler’ and Beyond

Mammooka: The Unforgettable Hero in ‘Hitler’ and Beyond

We stopped telling stories about Mammooka. ‘Hitler’ was the first film made with Mammooka as the lead after Lal and I started directing. I said in the last issue that many of our first experiences in cinema happened through Mammooka. Hitler also has such a curiosity. The movie ‘Hitler’ has been announced. Mammooka was still … Read more

BRIN Reveals Mission of Timau Observatory in NTT as Construction Nears Completion

BRIN Reveals Mission of Timau Observatory in NTT as Construction Nears Completion

CNN Indonesia Monday, 07 Aug 2023 17:30 WIB The Timau Observatory, NTT, is in the finalization stage. ( Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Head of Aviation and Space Research Organization at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Robertus Heru reveal the original mission of the current researcher Timau ObservatoryEast Nusa Tenggara (NTT), completed construction. He … Read more

“Moon and Saturn Conjunction: A Rare Celestial Phenomenon in April 2023”

“Moon and Saturn Conjunction: A Rare Celestial Phenomenon in April 2023”

CNN Indonesia Saturday, 15 Apr 2023 11:16 WIB Illustration. The moon will be in conjunction with Saturn on April 16. (BETWEEN PHOTOS/Dedhez Anggara) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — A number of phenomena heaven happened in April 2023, between conjunction Moon and Saturn on Sunday (16/4). What’s the mechanism? The celestial phenomenon that occurs this weekend will make … Read more

Rare Interstellar Comet Will Pass Early February, Save the Time!

Rare Interstellar Comet Will Pass Early February, Save the Time!

Jakarta – National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) informed that a comet would pass near the earth in early February. Don’t miss it, because this comet can be observed without optical aids! Researcher at the BRIN Space Research Center (PR), Andi Pangerang, said that this comet only passes once in its lifetime because of its … Read more

The Timau Observatory will be completed in February and will become Big Version Bosscha

The Timau Observatory will be completed in February and will become Big Version Bosscha

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia — Development Timau National ObservatoryEast Nusa Tenggara, expected to be completed in February 2023. What stumbling block construction? Previously, the construction of the National Observatory (obnas) was expected to be completed in 2022. “Now that the telescope has arrived in Surabaya, it must be on the road in Kupang,” said National Research … Read more

A rare phenomenon, Earth is called tomorrow’s micro full moon

A rare phenomenon, Earth is called tomorrow’s micro full moon

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia — Phenomenon Micro full moon, which has only taken place twice this year, will take place tomorrow, Saturday (7/1). Check the details of the time and distance from Land. As quoted by the National Research and Innovation Agency’s (BRIN) Aeronautics and Space Research Organization Instagram account, @lapan_ri, this phenomenon occurred twice during … Read more