Winter Baseball 2019 – The Licey achieves its seventh success by beating Lions

The Tigers of the Licey took an early advantage, endured a great push from the Chosen, but in the end they managed to get the victory, their number seven in the current Round Robin. The felines counting on an attack of 10 unstoppable and taking advantage of three errors of the Lions, came out graceful … Read more

Another feminicide takes the life of a 27-year-old girl whose suicide committed suicide

The death of a 27-year-old woman yesterday by her ex-partner of 59, who after committing the act committed suicide, has appalled residents of the Villa la Mata municipal district, of the municipality of Cotuí, in the Sánchez Ramírez province. The new victim of gender violence at the beginning of this year, responded to the name … Read more

Every dollar that goes up in oil will cost the country US $ 64 million

For the economist Henry Hebrard the rise in the price of crude oil is bad news starting the year, since unlike 2019 when the price was at US $ 45, today there is talk of an increase of US $ 4 above the US $ 59.10 contemplated in the 2020 budget. For every dollar the … Read more

FRAUD – False psychic disappoints claiming that girl was possessed

Massachusetts, USA A woman who claimed to be a psychic stole more than $ 70,000 from a client after convincing her that her 10-year-old daughter was possessed by a demon and that she needed the money to expel the spirit, Massachusetts police reported. Tracy Milanovich, 37, of Somerset, is accused of obtaining property under deception, … Read more

WORLD BAGS – The conflict between the US and Iran drags Europe and shoots oil

The main European exchanges are trading in this Friday’s session with sharp falls following the resurgence of tensions between the US. and Iran in the Middle East, which has also caused oil to skyrocket to $ 69. In the Old Continent, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is left almost 2% (1.91%) mid-session, while Milan drops 1.24%; … Read more

NORTH IRELAND CLINTON – Clinton, the first female rector of Queen’s University in Belfast

The former US secretary of state UU. Hillary Clinton has been appointed this Thursday as rector of Queen’s University in Belfast, the first woman to hold that position in the prestigious house of studies in Northern Ireland. Clinton, who was a presidential candidate in her country in 2016 and is the wife of former US … Read more

FIRE – Fire destroys 11 km of Duarte Highway tanks

Santo Domingo, RD. A tank of tanks with traces of chemicals was destroyed by a fire tonight at kilometer 11 of the Duarte Highway. The incident began around 7:45 on Wednesday night and the flames spread immediately throughout the space. However, the rapid intervention of 10 units of the National District Fire Department prevented it … Read more

ENVIRONMENT – A dozen Caribbean countries prohibit single-use plastics

Nearly a dozen countries in the Caribbean, coinciding with the entry of the new year on Wednesday, began to ban single-use plastics and polystyrene foam products as a measure to prevent the degradation of their environment. The ban came into force today in some of the main countries of the region, which includes territories such … Read more

BIG PAPI – David Ortiz asks the Dominican people for patience by 2020; says the country is moving forward

The major league exastro, David Ortiz, said the Dominican Republic has been moving forward, although he admits that in the election period, which will be held next year, “things get a little difficult.” In a message sent from the social networks of the Director General of Communications of the Presidency, Roberto Rodríguez Marchena, the “Big … Read more

DEATH – One of the five survivors of the Che Guevara guerrilla in Bolivia dies in Cuba

This Sunday, Harry Villegas Tamayo, ‘Pombo,’ died in Havana, one of the five survivors of the guerrilla group promoted by Argentine-Cuban revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia. Villegas was 79 when he died of a multi-organ failure. His body has been cremated by the will of the family and this Monday he will be paid … Read more