Croatian President Criticizes Supply of Western Battle Tanks to Ukraine

Zagreb – President Croatia Zoran Milanovic has openly criticized Western countries for announcing plans to send battle tanks and other weapons to Ukraine. Milanovic believes that such a supply of Western weapons will only prolong the ongoing war in Ukraine. As reported Associated PressTuesday (31/1/2023), Milanovic when speaking to journalists in the Croatian capital said … Read more «As a replacement for Cristiano Ronaldo: Manchester United has these two strikers in their sights» – thematically similar messages

An article about Benfica Lisbon, Goncalo Ramos, but also about Victor Osimhen as well as champion Paris Saint-Germain, Benfica Lisbon, SSC Napoli, CIRO DE, FC Burnley, United and moreover about Cristiano Ronaldo, but also Lisboa, Switzerland, Portugal, قطر, Jamaica, Newcastle upon Tyne, Napoli, Italia, Weghorst, Hrvatska, Miami and also via Manchester, published by

Euro had to help Croatia further, but now mainly leads to frustration | Economy

14 jan 2023 om 05:30 As of Sunday, Croatia is officially the twentieth country where payments can only be made with the euro. Although the currency should help Croatia further, residents of the country see prices suddenly rise after the introduction of the European single currency. What is going on? Until Saturday, the inhabitants of … Read more

The euro hit the Croatians in a flash! It will be like this and…

Since New Year’s Day and the introduction of the euro as the official currency in Croatia, prices of goods and services have visibly increased in the country, Croatian media reported, quoted by Therefore, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković convened today, on the first working day after the holidays, a meeting with the competent ministers and … Read more

Croatia officially joins the Eurozone and the Schengen area

Original title: Croatia officially joins the eurozone and the Schengen area As of 1 January 2023 local time, Croatia will officially use the euro and join the Schengen area. After the introduction of the euro, Croatia will display commodity prices in its national currency, the kuna and the euro, and the dual display of commodity … Read more

From today without passport control and with euros in Croatia

Reuters ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 07:24 As of today, Croatia is a member of the Euro countries and the country is entering the Schengen zone. This means that travelers from one of the other 26 so-called Schengen countries no longer have to go through passport control and that payments can be made in euros. Passports will no longer … Read more

FIFA has named the contenders for the best goalkeeper award

fifa nominated seven contenders for the title of best goalkeeper and receiving The Best award fifa Soccer awards. The awards ceremony will take place on February 27, 2023. The achievements will be celebrated between August 8, 2021 and December 18, 2022. Last year the prize was Édouard Mendy from “Chelsea”. List of contenders: (Liverpool, Brazil). … Read more

The Croatian president says that Ukraine is not an ally of his country

Loading… Croatian President Zoran Milanovic. Photo/REUTERS ZAGREB – Croatian President Zoran Milanovic has stated that Ukraine is “not an ally” of his country. He warned against bringing “war” to the Balkans. “Ukraine is not an ally. It was forcibly turned into one. It was cynically awarded candidate status of the European Union (EU). This is … Read more

Last silver, now bronze. Dalič dedicated another Croatian medal to the legendary coach – it’s for you, boss!

He formed quite quickly, first met the new team at the Zagreb airport. He met the players in the room and repeated to them: “Don’t worry, we can do it”. In October 2017, Croatian football was teetering on the precipice. He needed points in Ukraine to qualify for the World Cup. After an unexpected draw … Read more