At the Draguignan conservatory, the virtuoso Russian pianist disputes his ouster

Elena Rozanova says her «incomprehension»Upon the announcement of the non-renewal of her director’s contract. She denounces a “political intrigue». Elena Rozanova still can’t believe it. The Russian pianist was ousted from the management of the Draguignan conservatory. She has been in this position for six years, on a part-time contract for eight hours a week. … Read more

New York’s Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, reopens August 27

To celebrate the event, the famous American contemporary art establishment will be free for all visitors for one month, Tuesday through Sunday. Through Le Figaro with AFP –Like the Met and the Whitney Museum, New York’s MoMA is ready to reunite with its audience after a five-month closure linked to the Covid-19 crisis. Tickets must … Read more

The Metropolitan Opera in New York will not resume until the end of December 2020

The Metropolitan Opera in New York has just announced: its 2020-21 season would not start until December 31, three months later than expected, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The institution is also studying the possibility of shortening certain representations. “Given the enormous organizational complexity of the Met calendar, we have no choice but to cancel … Read more

In Paris, New York, London or Florence, museum directors are questioning themselves

While today only small museums are allowed to reopen, large institutions are still waiting for the green light from the government to welcome the public again. But wait … By Eric Biétry-Rivierre– –According to Eike Schmidt, director of the Uffizi in Florence, “art was not made for express consumption”. Claudio Giovannini / CGE photojournalism While … Read more

Hubert Le Gall orchestrates the appearance of the veil in Chartres.

STORY OF THE DAY – the designer designed a reliquary to showcase the cathedral’s famous treasure. By Beatrice de Rochebouët– –The reliquary of the veil of the Virgin, in the cathedral of Chartres. DRAC Center-Val de Loire-F. Lauginie. Give a facelift to sacred places, by bringing in contemporary artists, that’s what pleases. In Angoulême, Jean-Michel … Read more

New York Metropolitan Opera cancels entire 2020-21 season

The Metropolitan Opera in New York announced Wednesday the cancellation of its 2020-21 season, due to a pandemic, a decision with colossal financial impact. After consultation with public health authorities, the opera house decided that it would not “Not sure for the Met to resume its activities” until the vaccine against the coronavirus has been … Read more

For Elton John, Michael Jackson “was mentally ill”

In his autobiography Me, which appears this October 15, Elton John discusses the mental health of Michael Jackson, a pop icon who died in 2009 at the age of 50. “Over the years he began to withdraw from the world and from reality, much likeElvis presley», remembers the interpreter of Candle in the Wind, which … Read more

where does the flag of the LGBT community come from?

On the night of June 12, the United States was the victim of a terrible terrorist attack. Over 50 people lost their lives at a club in the city of Orlando after an individual opened fire. A large part of the victims were linked to the LGBT community (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender). As a … Read more

DC FanDome, the virtual convention of the DC universe not to be missed

The fans are going to have a great evening. On the night of August 22-23, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment are hosting their own digital event called DC FanDome. On the program: conferences, trailers, panels and more. A little over 300 guests will be present including stars such as Zack Snyder, Dwayne Johnson, Gal Gadot … Read more

Elton John suddenly stops concert in Auckland due to pneumonia

“I can’t sing, I just lost my voice,” said the British star, who is in New Zealand on her world tour. Through Le Figaro with AFP –After being examined by a doctor at a concert in New Zealand, Elton John sang two more songs before stopping in the middle of the concert. PA Photos / … Read more