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Running vs. Walking for Weight Loss: Which is More Effective?

When it comes to losing weight, the question often arises as to whether running or walking is better for weight loss, especially since there are unique health benefits to both, with regards to burning calories and their effectiveness for weight loss.

According to what was published by the Eating Well website, there are strategies to achieve optimal results and exercises for sustainable weight loss in the long term.

It is a common belief that running burns calories more efficiently than walking. According to a 2013 study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, running is a high-intensity exercise that raises the heart rate more than walking, prompting the body to burn calories at a faster rate.

Running can also help build lean muscle, which boosts metabolism and facilitates weight loss.

The body’s muscles work harder while running than when walking, and the extra effort leads to burning more significant calories after exercise, which is known as the “after-burn effect.”

Walking effectiveness

But walking is still an effective weight loss strategy if done with sufficient intensity and volume. Rachel McPherson, a physical training expert, explains that running is no more effective than walking for weight loss in terms of the choice of exercise method, as long as the person applies an equal amount of effort,” that is, “if he walks for one hour a day at a brisk pace of 5 kilometers per hour.” This means seven hours of walking. For a person weighing 60 kilograms, approximately 1,800 calories are burned per week. On the other hand, if he ran for 30 minutes at 9 km/h three times a week, that would mean burning approximately 1,710 calories per week.

Excellent strategy

“Walking is an activity that can be done every day for longer than one hour if there is time,” says McPherson, so “if a person can walk longer and more consistently, they will likely burn more calories and will feel better.” Relying solely on running as an interval workout means mixing walking and running is an excellent strategy as well.”

While running burns calories faster, both running and walking can help create a calorie deficit, which research suggests is the primary driver of weight loss, according to a 2021 article published in the journal Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, provided the calorie deficit is Sustained and balanced calories for long-term healthy weight loss.

Persistence for sustainable results

For many people, walking is a more convenient and convenient option than running, allowing for longer exercise sessions and burning more calories over time. Ultimately, the most effective exercise for weight loss is the exercise that you can do consistently.

McPherson adds, “One hour of running at a speed of 9 km/h for a person weighing 60 kg will burn about 680 calories, while an hour of walking at a speed of 5 km/h will burn about 260 calories. However, running for a long time at a high intensity remains a challenge.” The person is not already physically fit, plus recovery from running is more taxing on the body, and the person will need more rest days between training sessions.

How to choose between running and walking

According to a scientific review published in 2020 in the journal Sports, running requires more effort on the joints and muscles, which may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with pre-existing health conditions or beginners.

Conversely, research, published in 2021 in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, shows that walking is a lower-impact option that can be well tolerated by a wider range of people. When choosing between running and walking, priority should be given to physical safety and enjoyment at the same time, and it should be remembered that consistency in exercise is the key to losing weight.

Pros and Cons

Running can provide faster weight loss results, but it may not be possible for everyone in the long term. According to a small study, conducted in 2023 and whose results were published in the journal Gait & Posture, research indicates that the high impact of running over time can lead to fatigue or even injuries, especially for older people. Walking, on the other hand, is a low-impact exercise that many people can comfortably incorporate into their daily routine.

Running is less sustainable in terms of increased effort over time to compensate for metabolic adaptation, and “walking is less strenuous and easier to implement into a weight-loss routine,” says McPherson.

The comparison between walking or running depends on the preferences and goals of each person, as both forms of exercise provide health benefits and weight loss in a unique way. While running may burn calories more quickly, walking has advantages, especially for those looking for a sustainable, long-term approach to weight loss. Therefore, routine exercise is essential for sustainable weight loss, regardless of each person’s individual choice.

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2024-01-08 06:56:15

#Running #walking…which #losing #weight

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