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Rocket-killed man in Amares had no credential to fire

There were two, but one of them has already died. In 2011, two young men were attacked in the heart of Praça do Comércio, in Braga, threatening them with a syringe and a razor. Stealing you two euros and 40 cents. Then they stole 670 euros at the gas station Ready, in Walnut. The robber, who was still alive and was already in prison in Paços de Ferreira, was now sentenced to six years and six months in prison.

In the first case, it was proved that 35-year-old Marco Braga da Costa, in partnership with a man named Paulo, who died in 2016, followed two passers-by in the middle of the day, intending to steal them from the Trucking Center to to Commerce Square. Then they attacked them, and Paul put a syringe to one of their bellies, while Marco held the razor. One of them gave him what he had, 2.40 euros, and when they were about to try to steal the other, they were surprised by people passing by, which led them to flee.

Shortly thereafter, a Municipal Police officer picked up Paulo and identified him.

In the other case that was made the cumulus, the duo entered the gas station at 11:00 pm and pushed the clerk with a knife to his neck. He was forced to surrender the 600 euros that were in the cash register, and the thieves took another 70 euros, belonging to the employee, as well as a mobile phone and a flashlight.

In assessing the penalty, the panel of judges noted that they already had six convictions for theft and robbery crimes.

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