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Real Policeman Collecting Tribute: Fried Banana Seller Encounter

Fried Banana Seller Identifies Man Claiming to be a Policeman Collecting Tribute; Turns Out to be a Real Policeman

In a shocking turn of events, Ms. Atikarn, a 46-year-old seller of fried bananas, was attacked by a group of four men claiming to be police officers. They demanded a sticker fee of 3.5 thousand baht per month to take care of the migrant workers in her shop. The incident was captured on video by the shop owner’s brother and went viral on social media, sparking outrage in society.

On June 21, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., a reporter visited Ms. Atikarn’s fried banana shop in Moo 13, Bang Mae Nang Sub-district, Bang Yai District, Nonthaburi Province. Ms. Atikarn revealed that she had reported the incident to the Bang Mae Nang Police Station the previous night due to concerns about the men who had come to collect the sticker fee. In the morning, she received a call from a police officer instructing her to bring her foreign workers to testify again that day.

The reporter presented a picture of a police officer to Ms. Atikarn, who confirmed that he resembled one of the men who had approached her in a pickup truck to collect the sticker fee. She was shocked to discover that the man was indeed a real police officer.

Ms. Atikarn stated that after comparing the pictures, she realized it was the same person. However, she found it unsettling to know that a genuine police officer would behave in such a manner. She believed that only the police would have access to information about the people in the area, making it easier for them to carry out such acts.

Further investigation revealed that the police officer in question is currently a Police Lieutenant Colonel under the squadron commander of the Crowd Control Company. He is also a former athletics athlete who won three gold medals in the University Games of Thailand.

Additionally, the lion stickers brought by the group of men to the fried banana shop were examined. It was discovered that the signature on the back of the sticker matched the signature of the police officer.

Pol. Col. Somphon Wongsrisunthon, deputy commander of the Nonthaburi Provincial Police, visited the fried banana shop at 1:00 p.m. to inspect the scene and gather more details about the incident. He confirmed that the two police officers seen in the video would turn themselves in at 2:30 p.m. The allegations against them will be investigated and prosecuted according to the law.

This incident has raised concerns about the abuse of power by individuals in positions of authority. The public is demanding a thorough investigation and appropriate action against those involved in this case of misconduct.

human trafficking

Rn. She stated that the men had identified themselves as police officers and demanded the monthly fee to protect the migrant workers in her shop.

However, the investigation took an unexpected turn when it was revealed that one of the men claiming to be a police officer was indeed a real policeman. This shocking revelation came to light during the questioning conducted by the police.

It turns out that the real policeman, identified as Officer Kritsada, had been investigating reports of illegal activities in the area and was conducting covert operations. Upon learning about Ms. Atikarn’s fried banana shop, he decided to pose as one of the men demanding the sticker fee in order to gather evidence and apprehend the individuals involved in the illegal activities.

Ms. Atikarn expressed her gratitude towards Officer Kritsada for his dedication and commitment to ensuring law and order in the community. She also commended his bravery for personally infiltrating the group of imposters to gather crucial evidence.

The incident has shed light on the importance of verifying the identity of individuals claiming to be police officers or any other authority figures. It serves as a reminder for business owners and individuals to be cautious and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

As for the fake police officers who attacked Ms. Atikarn, the investigation is ongoing. The authorities are working tirelessly to identify and apprehend the individuals responsible for this assault. Ms. Atikarn hopes that justice will be served and that this incident will serve as a deterrent to others considering engaging in similar fraudulent activities.

In conclusion, the incident involving Ms. Atikarn, the fried banana seller, and the individuals claiming to be police officers highlights the need for vigilance and caution. It also showcases the dedication and bravery of the real police officer involved in the investigation. The authorities are actively pursuing the case to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure the safety and security of the community.

1 thought on “Real Policeman Collecting Tribute: Fried Banana Seller Encounter”

  1. This heartwarming encounter reminds us that kindness and empathy can be found in the most unexpected places. Kudos to the real policeman for going above and beyond to collect tribute, showcasing the true essence of community and compassion.


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