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Pumpkin Health Benefits: 6 Reasons to Add This Superfood to Your Diet

Pumpkin has high nutritional value. It is rich in beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, which helps to enhance immunity. Therefore, pumpkin is also called “pumpkin”. Pumpkin is edible, rice, vegetable and medicine, and is indispensable. important melon species. According to research, pumpkin is a good food for weight loss that is high in fiber and low in calories. It can even reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer. It can be said to be a super food.

Pumpkins are treasures and have 6 major health benefits

★Increase satiety

According to the US “CNN website” report, pumpkin is rich in fiber, which helps slow down digestion and prolong the feeling of satiety. American registered dietitian Caroline Kaufman points out that one cup of commercially available canned pumpkin contains 7 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to the fiber contained in two slices of whole-wheat bread.

In addition, pumpkin has very low calories. According to the analysis of food nutrition information in Taiwan by the Ministry of Health and Welfare: 100 grams of pumpkin contains 90.8% water, only 24 calories, and only 0.2 grams of fat. Therefore, in addition to taking in fiber to suppress the feeling of hunger, eating pumpkin can also replenish water, increase the feeling of satiety, and prevent obesity.

★Prevent cataracts

The bright orange color of pumpkin actually comes from the rich beta-carotene. Once beta-carotene enters the body, it can be converted into vitamin A, which helps the retina receive and process light. Vitamin A can be stored in the liver It has antioxidant, anti-aging, and anti-cancer functions. Pumpkin also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, and studies have shown that these two antioxidant substances can help prevent cataracts and may even slow down the risk of macular degeneration.

★Improve immunity

Autumn and winter are the peak seasons for virus invasion. If you want to improve your immunity, you might as well eat more pumpkin. Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A and can resist viral invasion and reduce the risk of disease infection. In addition, when the human body is deficient in zinc, it will suffer from chronic fatigue, poor immune system, and also impair children’s learning ability. Pumpkin is rich in zinc and other minerals, which can improve these problems. If you have a cold, pumpkin can also provide sufficient vitamin C to help the patient recover as soon as possible. In addition, pumpkin seed oil also helps fight a variety of bacterial and fungal infections.

★Anti-aging skin

Another great benefit of beta-carotene is that it helps protect the skin from sun damage, so that ultraviolet rays do not leave “here and there” wrinkles on the face. Pumpkin pulp can also be made into a pure natural exfoliating mask. You only need to mix 1/4 cup of pumpkin puree, an egg, a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of milk into a puree, and then apply it on the face for about 20 minutes. After washing off with warm water, you can feel the effect of improving skin texture.

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in phytoestrogens, which can help postmenopausal women fight breast cancer, and some studies have shown that phytoestrogens can fight lung cancer.

★Reduce cancer risk

Foreign studies have found that the beta-carotene in pumpkin can fight cancer, including lowering the risk of breast cancer and lung cancer. In addition, pumpkin is rich in plant sterols, lignophenols, zinc and other nutrients, which can relieve prostate hypertrophy and prevent prostate cancer. Zinc is mainly found in the membrane inside the pumpkin seed shell, so it is best to eat the pumpkin with the seeds. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in phytoestrogens, which can help postmenopausal women fight breast cancer, and some studies have shown that phytoestrogens can fight lung cancer.

★Reduce diabetes

Animal experiments have shown that eating pumpkin can lower blood sugar, improve glucose tolerance and promote insulin secretion. Zhao Jiarong, a nutritionist at the Nutrition Office of Guangtian Hospital, said that diabetic patients must pay attention when eating pumpkin. In clinical practice, it is often found that many diabetic patients who usually have stable blood sugar control will have their blood sugar levels increase instead of decreasing after eating a large amount of pumpkin, because pumpkin is a “staple food”. If you eat it with pumpkin, you will eat too much starch, and the starch will be converted into sugar, causing blood sugar to spike. When you want to eat pumpkin, you can replace a quarter bowl of white rice with half a bowl of pumpkin, which has about the same 70 calories.

[Health Tips]:

There are many benefits to eating pumpkin. The US website “The Huffington Post” also mentioned that pumpkin seeds contain the amino acid tryptophan, which can help secrete serotonin and make people feel happy. However, you should be careful when eating pumpkin to lose weight, because although pumpkin is low in calories, rich in water and fiber, it is a rhizome with high starch content. It should be regarded as a staple food rather than a side dish to avoid ingesting too many carbohydrates and converting them into sugar. Accumulation leads to obesity or elevated blood sugar, which makes it impossible to be happy.

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2024-01-24 01:03:18

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